Special player attacks

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Mutated body parts

Attacks with mutated body parts are executed after any regular melee attacks that hits. Every extra attack gets a new accuracy roll. This new accuracy roll is calculated the same way the one for a regular attack is (including weapon bonuses) and then multiplied by 0.8. Extra attacks never crit, but extra stabbing attacks waste target's moves.

Here 'dex' and 'str' refer to relevant Stats and 'skill' to Unarmed combat skill. Body part refers to body part that needs to be uncovered for the attack to be executed. Chance below 1 works the same as chance 1 (ie. 100% chance).

Poison triggers if any of the attacks deals stabbing or cutting damage. It can trigger only once per regular attack.

Mouth mutations

Mouth mutations require free mouth to proc. Any item covering mouth (such as a Knit scarf) will prevent them from happening, but an item with a collar (such as Winter coat) will not, even when the collar is raised.

Mutation Proc chance (one in) Damage
Saber Teeth 20 - dex - skill 25 + str stab
Fangs and no muzzle 20 - dex - skill 20 stab
Fangs and Lupine Muzzle 18 - dex - skill 20 stab
Fangs and Rodent Muzzle 19 - dex - skill 20 stab
Fangs and Reptilian Muzzle 15 - dex - skill 20 stab
Incisors 18 - dex - skill 3 stab + 3 bash
Lupine Muzzle and no Fangs 18 - dex - skill 4 cut
Ursine Muzzle and no Fangs 20 - dex - skill 5 cut
Reptilian Muzzle and no Fangs 18 - dex - skill 18 stab
Mandibles or inactive Folding Fangs 22 - dex - skill 12 cut
Active Folding Fangs 24 - dex - skill 15 stab
Beak 15 - dex - skill 15 stab
Woodpecker Beak 15 - dex - skill 10-50 stab

Woodpecker Beak deals random damage equal to 10 * (dex + skill - rng(4, 10)), capped at 50 and 10.

Head and feet mutations

Those mutations can proc regardless of worn equipment.

Mutation Proc chance (one in) Damage
Hooves 25 - dex - 2 * skill 3 * str bash (cap at 40)
Toe Talons 30 - dex - 2 * skill 4 * str cut (cap at 60)
Horns 20 - dex - skill 3 bash + 3 stab
Curled Horns 20 - dex - skill 14 bash
Pointed Horns 22 - dex - skill 24 stab
Antlers 20 - dex - skill 4 bash

Tail mutations

Tail mutations have only one-in-3 chance of being checked for procing when inactive.

Mutation Proc chance (one in) Damage
Spiked Tail 10 - dex 20 stab
Club Tail 10 - dex 18 bash
Thick Tail 10 - dex 8 bash

Multi-attack mutations

Each attack is executed separately. Those mutations always proc.

Number of tentacle attacks is (tentacle number -1) if not wielding a twohanded weapon, (tentacle number -2) otherwise.

Number of vine attacks is 2 in case of Vine Limbs and 3 in case of Vine Sprouter.

Mutation Damage
Tentacle Arms but no Tentacle Rakes 1 + str / 3 bash
Tentacle Rakes 1 + str / 2 cut
Vine Limbs str / 2 bash
Vine Sprouter str / 2 bash