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WARNING: This page may contain spoilers and ruin the joy of adventure.
Remember, it is not 'dying' it is 'learning how to do better next time'!

Angry headless fungus-like creatures. They only want to grow and expand their territory... and kill anything that gets in their way.

You can join us if you are worthy enough after taking the Marloss path... We have great fruits to feed you, and are very hardy to adapt to this post apocalyptic world of undead, or even bend them to our will with a simple spore sprinkling

Name HP Spec Size Mat Spd MS Dmg DS BP CP SA M A Flags
a fungal ant 40 fungushuman sized veggy 60 3 1d5 bash + 3 cut 1 1 1 fungus 100 100 SEES, SMELLS, POISON, CLIMBS
7 fungal blossom 30 funguscow sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 4 4 fungus_haze 100 100 HEARS, GOODHEARING, NOHEAD, POISON, IMMOBILE, NO_BREATHE
Z fungal boomer 30 funguscow sized flesh 40 3 2d6 bash + 0 cut 0 2 0 fungus, boomer, scratch 100 100 SEES, HEARS, SMELLS, STUMBLES, WARM, BASHES, GROUP_BASH, POISON, NO_BREATHE, BONES, FAT, PUSH_MON
z fungal child 35 fungusdog sized flesh 50 3 1d6 bash + 2 cut 2 0 0 scratch, fungus 100 100 SEES, SMELLS, STUMBLES, WARM, BASHES, POISON, GUILT, NO_BREATHE, BONES
H fungal hedgerow 40 fungustank sized stone 100 8 3d3 bash + 4 cut 0 10 10 fungus_bristle 100 100 NOHEAD, POISON, NO_BREATHE, IMMOBILE
T fungal spire 300 fungustank sized stone 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 10 10 fungus_sprout 100 100 NOHEAD, POISON, IMMOBILE, NO_BREATHE, QUEEN
1 fungal sporeling 70 fungusdog sized veggy 70 4 2d4 bash + 2 cut 1 4 4 fungus_growth 100 -50 HEARS, POISON, NO_BREATHE, NOHEAD
2 fungal tendril 30 fungushuman sized veggy 100 6 2d4 bash + 3 cut 4 10 4 fungus_inject 100 100 HEARS, GOODHEARING, NOHEAD, POISON, IMMOBILE, NO_BREATHE, HARDTOSHOOT
T fungal tower 300 fungustank sized stone 100 9 3d4 bash + 5 cut 3 20 15 fungus_fortify 100 100 NOHEAD, POISON, IMMOBILE, HARDTOSHOOT, NO_BREATHE, QUEEN
T fungal wall 10 fungustank sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 10 10 fungus 100 100 NOHEAD, POISON, NO_BREATHE, IMMOBILE
Z fungal zombie 60 fungushuman sized flesh 45 3 1d6 bash + 0 cut 0 3 0 fungus, bite 100 100 SEES, SMELLS, STUMBLES, WARM, BASHES, GROUP_BASH, POISON, NO_BREATHE, BONES, PUSH_MON
F fungaloid 80 fungushuman sized veggy 40 2 1d4 bash + 0 cut 0 4 0 fungus 100 -50 STUMBLES, POISON, NO_BREATHE, NOHEAD
T giant fungal blossom 300 fungustank sized stone 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 10 10 fungus_big_blossom 100 100 NOHEAD, POISON, IMMOBILE, NO_BREATHE, QUEEN
o spore cloud 4 fungussquirrel sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 2 0 0 plant 75 -50 STUMBLES, FLIES, POISON, NO_BREATHE, NOHEAD, NOGIB