General Carlsberg

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Revision as of 00:15, 22 September 2020 by Jerimee (talk | contribs)
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Lab Notes

General Carlsberg wanted us to figure out what's going on with the bot AI. Apparently the fat-cat defense contractors' toy has issues SEEING THE FUTURE more than a few seconds ahead, so it doesn't always get IFF right if it doesn't have a human supervisor. Build a robot that is literally prescient and you get this kind of bitching. The Director sent 'em back with a note that we're scientists, not firmware devs.

Herrera's group retained copies of the source General Carlsberg asked us to look into; with several of our facilities no longer responding, or other teams essentially 'going down with their ships', they've done their best to adapt the code to operate without Melchior's guidance. It's likely several revisions old now, and mostly shoots at anything humanoid shaped with a heat signature, but our hope is it'll buy us all some time.

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