Swamp creatures

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WARNING: This page may contain spoilers and ruin the joy of adventure.
Remember, it is not 'dying' it is 'learning how to do better next time'!

Creatures that can be found in and around swampy areas. They don't seem to spawn during winter, however.

Name HP Spec Size Mat Spd MS Dmg DS BP CP SA M A Flags
Y alpha razorclaw 120 mutantcow sized flesh 95 6 4d10 bash + 15 cut 2 20 30 shriek_alert, shriek_stun 100 15 SMELLS, HEARS, SEES, CHITIN, SWIMS, GRABS, ARTHROPOD_BLOOD, PATH_AVOID_DANGER_2, QUEEN
a dermatik 60 insectsquirrel sized iflesh 110 6 1d6 bash + 3 cut 8 0 6 dermatik 70 90 HEARS, SMELLS, STUMBLES, POISON, FLIES, CHITIN
a dermatik larva 10 insectsquirrel sized iflesh 20 1 1d1 bash + 1 cut 1 0 0 dermatik_growth -20 -20 HEARS, SMELLS, POISON, CAN_DIG, LARVA
a giant centipede 70 insecthuman sized iflesh 140 6 1d8 bash + 6 cut 2 2 8 100 40 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, CHITIN, FAT
y giant crayfish 50 mutanthuman sized flesh 130 5 1d3 bash + 5 cut 2 0 8 100 0 SMELLS, HEARS, SEES, CHITIN, SWIMS, GRABS, FAT, ARTHROPOD_BLOOD
y giant dragonfly 70 insectdog sized iflesh 150 6 1d6 bash + 6 cut 8 0 6 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, FLIES, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN
a giant fly 25 insectdog sized iflesh 120 3 1d3 bash + 0 cut 5 0 0 30 -50 SEES, SMELLS, FLIES, STUMBLES, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN, FAT
M giant frog 70 amphibiancow sized flesh 90 5 1d12 bash + 1 cut 2 4 0 leap 100 10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, SWIMS, LEATHER, BONES, FAT
y giant mosquito 20 insectdog sized iflesh 120 4 1d4 bash + 1 cut 8 0 0 20 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, STUMBLES, VENOM, FLIES, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN
S giant slug 190 mollusktank sized flesh 60 4 1d5 bash + 1 cut 0 8 2 acid 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, BASHES, ACIDPROOF, ACIDTRAIL, FAT, ARTHROPOD_BLOOD
. lemming 4 mammalsquirrel sized flesh 90 4  bash + 0 cut 2 0 0 -50 -50 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, WARM, SWIMS, ANIMAL, PATH_AVOID_DANGER_1
Y razorclaw 80 mutanthuman sized flesh 85 6 4d6 bash + 7 cut 2 10 18 shriek_alert, shriek_stun 100 4 SMELLS, HEARS, SEES, CHITIN, SWIMS, GRABS, ARTHROPOD_BLOOD, PATH_AVOID_DANGER_2