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Options can be accessed in-game by pressing {{k|?}} then {{k|2}} or in the "Help" menu. If you delete the ''options.txt'' stored in "Data" the game will create a new file
Options can be accessed in-game by pressing {{k|?}} then {{k|2}} or in the "Help" menu at the start screen. If you delete the ''options.txt'' stored in "Data" the game will create a new file.
==General Options==
; Default Character Name
: "Set a default character name that will be used instead of a random name on character creation."
: Default: [none]
: Valid:  standard characters
; Auto-Pickup
: "Enable item auto pickup. Change pickup rules with the Auto Pickup Manager in the Help Menu"
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Adjacent Tile Auto-Pickup
: "If true, will enable to pickup items one tile around to the player. You can assign No Auto Pickup zones with the Zones Manager 'Y' key for eg. your homebase."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Zero Volume Auto-Pickup
: "Auto pickup items with 0 Volume, and weight less than or equal to [option] * 50 grams. '0' disables this option"
: Default: 0
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 20
; Auto-Pickup [[Safemode]]
: "Auto pickup is disabled as long as you can see monsters nearby. This is affected by Safemode proximity distance."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Dangerous Pickups
: "If false, will cause player to drop new items that cause them to exceed the weight limit."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Auto-[[Safemode]]
: "If true, auto-safemode will be on after starting a new game or loading."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Auto-[[Safemode]] Turn-on
: "Number of turns after safemode is re-enabled if no hostiles are in safemodeproximity distance."
: Default: 50
: Valid: Min: 1, Max: 100
; [[Safemode]] on Load
: "If true, safemode will be on after starting a new game or loading."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; [[Safemode]] Distance
: "If safemode is enabled, distance to hostiles when safemode should show a warning. 0 = Max player viewdistance."
: Default : 0
: Valid: Min: 0, Max : 50
; [[Safemode]] in Vehicle
: "When true, safemode will alert you of hostiles while you are driving a vehicle."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Autosave
: "If true, game will periodically save the map. Autosaves occur based on in-game turns or real-time minutes, whichever is larger."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Autosave Frequency
: "Number of game turns between autosaves"
: Default: 50
: Valid:  Min: 10, Max: 1000
; Realtime Autosave Frequency
: "Number of real time minutes between autosaves"
: Default: 5
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 127
; Circular Distances
: "If true, the game will calculate range in a realistic way: light sources will be circles, diagonal movement will cover more ground and take longer. If disabled, everything is square: moving to the northwest corner of a building takes as long as moving to the north wall."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Drop Empty Containers
: "Set to drop empty containers after use. No: Don't drop any. - Watertight: All except watertight containers. - All: Drop all containers."
: Default: No
: Valid: No, Watertight, All
; Auto Map Notes
: "If true, automatically sets notes on places that have stairs that go up or down"
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Death Camera
: "Always: Always start deathcam. Ask: Query upon death. Never: Never show deathcam."
: Default: Ask
: Valid: Always, Ask, Never
==Interface Options==
; User Language
: "Switch Language. Requires restart."
: Default: System Language
: Valid:  System Language, cs, en, fi, fr, de, it_IT, el, es_AR, es_ES, ja, ko, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru, sr, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW
; Temperature Display
: "Switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit."
: Default: Fahrenheit
: Valid: Fahrenheit, Celsius
; Speed Display
: "Switch between km/h and mph."
: Default: mph
: Valid: mph, km/h
; Weight Display
: "Switch between kg and lbs."
: Default: lbs
: Valid: lbs, kg
; Clock Display
: "12h: AM/PM, eg: 7:31 AM - Military: 24h Military, eg: 0731 - 24h: Normal 24h, eg: 7:31"
: Default: 12h
: Valid: 12h, military, 24h
; Prompt Case Sensitivity
: "If true, Y/N prompts are case-sensitive and y and n are not accepted."
: Default: True
: ValidL True, False
; Snap to Target
: "If true, automatically follow the crosshair when firing/throwing."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Save upon Sleeping
: "If true, game will ask to save the map before sleeping."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Query Before Disassembly
: "If true, will query before disassembling items."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Query upon Keybinding
: "If true, will query before removing a keybinding from a hotkey."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Auto-Close Advanced Inventory
: "If true, will close the advanced inventory when the move all items command is used."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Vehicle Armor color Changes
: "If true, vehicle parts will change color if they are armor plated"
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Driving View Offset
: "If true, view will automatically shift towards the driving direction"
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Vehicle Driving Indicator
: "If true, when controlling a vehicle, a white 'X' (in curses version) or a crosshair (in tiles version) at distance 10 from the center will display its current facing."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Sidebar HUD Position
: "Switch between sidebar on the left or on the right side. Requires restart."
: Default: Right
: Valid: Right, Left
; Sidebar Style
: "Switch between a narrower or wider sidebar. Requires restart."
: Default: Narrow
: Valid: Narrow, Wider
; Sidebar Log Flow
: "Where new sidebar log messages should show."
: Default: Bottom
: Valid: Bottom, Top
; Vehicle Menu Style
: "Switch between two different styles of vehicle interaction menu or combination of them."
: Default: Vertical
: Valid: Vertical, Horizontal, Hybrid
; Move View Offset
: "Move view by how many squares per keypress."
: Default: 1
: Valid: Min: 1, Max: 50
; Menu Scroll
: "If true, menus will start scrolling in the center of the list, and keep the list centered."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; List Item View Shift
: "Centered or to edge, shift the view toward the selected item if it is outside of your current viewport."
: Default: Centered
: Valid: Centered, False, Edge
; Auto Inventory Letter Assignment
: "If false, new inventory items will only get letters assigned if they had one before."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Item Health Bars
: "If true, show item health bars instead of reinforced, scratched etc. text."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Item Symbols
: "If true, show item symbols in inventory and pick up menu."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
==Graphics Options==
; Animations
: "If true, will display enabled animations."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Rain Animation
: "If true, will display weather animations."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Scrolling Text Animations
: "If true, will display scrolling combat text animations."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Animation Repeat Delay
: "The amount of time to pause between animation frames in ms."
: Default: 10
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 100
; X Axis Terminal Size
: "Set the size of the terminal along the X axis. Requires restart."
: Default: 80
: Valid: Min 80, Max 242
; Y Axis Terminal Size
: "Set the size of the terminal along the Y axis. Requires restart."
: Default: 24
: Valid: Min: 24, Max: 24
==Debug Options==
; Initial Overworld Map Reveal
: "Determines the scope, which is known in the beginning of the game."
: Default: 15
: Valid: Min: 3, Max: 20
; Character Generation Initial Points
: "Initial points available on character generation."
: Default: 6
: Valid: Min: 6, Max: 1000
; Maximum Allowed Trait Points
: "Maximum trait points available for character generation."
: Default: 12
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 1000
; Experience Scaling
: "Scales experience gained from practicing skills and reading books. 0.5 is half as fast as default, 2.0 is twice as fast, 0.0 disables skill training except for NPC training."
: Default: 1.00
: Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00
; Skill Rust
: "Set the level of skill rust. Vanilla: Vanilla Cataclysm - Capped: Capped at skill levels 2 - Int: Intelligence dependent - IntCap: Intelligence dependent, capped - Off: None at all."
: Default: Int
: Valid: Vanilla, Capped, Int, Intcap, Off
==World Defaults==
; [[World end handling]]
: "Delete the world when the last active character dies."
: Default: No
: Valid: No, Yes, Query
; City Size
: "A number determining how large cities are. 0 disables cities and roads."
: Default: 4
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 16
; City Spacing
: "A number determining how far apart cities are. Warning, small numbers lead to very slow mapgen."
: Default: 4
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 8
; Monster Spawn Density
: "A scaling factor that determines density of monster spawns."
: Default: 1.00
: Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 50.00
; Item Spawn Density
: "A scaling factor that determines density of item spawns."
: Default: 1.00
: Valid: Min: 0.01, Max: 10.00
; NPC Spawn Density
: "A scaling factor that determines density of dynamic NPC spawns."
: Default: 1.00
: Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00
; Monster Evolution Factor
: "A scaling factor that determines the time between monster upgrades. A higher number means slower evolution. Set to 0.00 to turn off monster upgrades."
: Default: 4.00
: Valid: Min: 4.00, Max: 100.00
; Region
: "(WIP feature) Determines terrain, shops, plants, and more."
: Default: Default
: Valid: Default
; Initial Time of Day
: "Initial starting time of day on character generation."
: Default: 8
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 23
; Initial Season
: "Season the player starts in. Options other than the default delay spawn of the character, so food decay and monster spawns will have advanced."
: Default: Spring
: Valid: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
; Season Length
: "Season length, in days."
: Default: 91
: Valid: Min: 14, Max: 127
; Construction Speed Scaling
: "Multiplies the speed of construction by the given percentage. '0' automatically scales construction to match the world's season length."
: Default: 100
: Valid: Min: 0, Max: 1000
; Eternal Seasons
: "Keep the initial season for ever."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Static Spawn
: "Spawn zombies at game start instead of during game. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Wandering Hordes
: "Emulation of zombie hordes. Zombie spawn points wander around cities and may go to noise. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Classic Zombies
: "Only spawn classic zombies and natural wildlife. Requires a reset of save folder to take effect. This disables certain buildings."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Surrounded Start
: "If true, spawn zombies at shelters. Makes the starting game a lot harder."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Static NPC
: "If true, the game will spawn static NPC at the start of the game, requires world reset."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Random NPC
: "If true, the game will randomly spawn NPC during gameplay."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False
; Mutation Through Radiation
: "If true, radiation causes the player to mutate."
: Default: True
: Valid: True, False
; Experimental Z-Levels
: "If true, experimental z-level maps will be enabled. This feature is not finished yet; the minimap has problems with it, among other things."
: Default: False
: Valid: True, False

; Force Y/N in promts : (default: true) only capital letters will be used as query confirmation.
; Use Celsius : (default: false) [[temperature]] will be converted from Fahrenheit scale.
; Use Metric System : (default: false)  [[vehicle]] speed will be converted from mph to Km/h.
; No Bright Backgrounds : (default: false) turns off bright background colors. It is only for linux console play, and it is intended to extend support to terminals that do not have 16 background colors.
; 24 Hour Time : (default: 0) 1 enables 24h military clock and 2 enables a normal 24h clock
; Snap to Target : (default: false) The view-screen will start centered on cursor when aiming.
; Safemode on by default : (default: true) The game will start with [[safemode]] turned on.
; Safemode proximity distance : (default: 0) If [[safemode]] is enabled, distance to hostiles when safemode should show a warning
; Auto-Safemode on by default : (default: false) The game will start with [[auto-safemode]] turned on.
; Turns to re-enable safemode : (default: 50) Number of turns after safemode is re-enables if no hostiles are in Safemode proximity distance
; Periodical autosave : (default: false) The game will save the map every X time.
; Gradual night light : (default: false) The game will add a gradual-lighting.
; Rain animation : (default: true) If true, weather animations will be displayed.
; Querry on disassembly : (default: true) The game will querry before disassembling items.
; Drop empty containers : (default: 0) Set to drop containers after use.
; Skill rust : (default: 0) Sets the level of [[skills]] rust.
; Delete world : (default: 0) Currently not working.
; Initial points : (default: 6) The number of points at the start of a new character
; Initial time : (default: 8) Initial time of day on character generation. Default is 08:00.
; Viewport width/height : (default: 12x12) Changes the size of the window and allows to see more tiles
; Static spawn : (default: true) The game spawns the Zs at the start of the game. No more Zs will spawn after the start of the game. Must delete save directory after changing this for it to take effect.
; Classic zombies : (default: false) Only spawn classic zombies and natural wildlife. Probably requires a reset of the save folder to take effect.


Latest revision as of 23:58, 22 March 2021

Options can be accessed in-game by pressing ? then 2 or in the "Help" menu at the start screen. If you delete the options.txt stored in "Data" the game will create a new file.

General Options

Default Character Name
"Set a default character name that will be used instead of a random name on character creation."
Default: [none]
Valid: standard characters

"Enable item auto pickup. Change pickup rules with the Auto Pickup Manager in the Help Menu"
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Adjacent Tile Auto-Pickup
"If true, will enable to pickup items one tile around to the player. You can assign No Auto Pickup zones with the Zones Manager 'Y' key for eg. your homebase."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Zero Volume Auto-Pickup
"Auto pickup items with 0 Volume, and weight less than or equal to [option] * 50 grams. '0' disables this option"
Default: 0
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 20

Auto-Pickup Safemode
"Auto pickup is disabled as long as you can see monsters nearby. This is affected by Safemode proximity distance."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Dangerous Pickups
"If false, will cause player to drop new items that cause them to exceed the weight limit."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

"If true, auto-safemode will be on after starting a new game or loading."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Auto-Safemode Turn-on
"Number of turns after safemode is re-enabled if no hostiles are in safemodeproximity distance."
Default: 50
Valid: Min: 1, Max: 100

Safemode on Load
"If true, safemode will be on after starting a new game or loading."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Safemode Distance
"If safemode is enabled, distance to hostiles when safemode should show a warning. 0 = Max player viewdistance."
Default : 0
Valid: Min: 0, Max : 50

Safemode in Vehicle
"When true, safemode will alert you of hostiles while you are driving a vehicle."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

"If true, game will periodically save the map. Autosaves occur based on in-game turns or real-time minutes, whichever is larger."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Autosave Frequency
"Number of game turns between autosaves"
Default: 50
Valid: Min: 10, Max: 1000

Realtime Autosave Frequency
"Number of real time minutes between autosaves"
Default: 5
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 127

Circular Distances
"If true, the game will calculate range in a realistic way: light sources will be circles, diagonal movement will cover more ground and take longer. If disabled, everything is square: moving to the northwest corner of a building takes as long as moving to the north wall."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Drop Empty Containers
"Set to drop empty containers after use. No: Don't drop any. - Watertight: All except watertight containers. - All: Drop all containers."
Default: No
Valid: No, Watertight, All

Auto Map Notes
"If true, automatically sets notes on places that have stairs that go up or down"
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Death Camera
"Always: Always start deathcam. Ask: Query upon death. Never: Never show deathcam."
Default: Ask
Valid: Always, Ask, Never

Interface Options

User Language
"Switch Language. Requires restart."
Default: System Language
Valid: System Language, cs, en, fi, fr, de, it_IT, el, es_AR, es_ES, ja, ko, pl, pt_BR, pt_PT, ru, sr, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW

Temperature Display
"Switch between Celsius and Fahrenheit."
Default: Fahrenheit
Valid: Fahrenheit, Celsius

Speed Display
"Switch between km/h and mph."
Default: mph
Valid: mph, km/h

Weight Display
"Switch between kg and lbs."
Default: lbs
Valid: lbs, kg

Clock Display
"12h: AM/PM, eg: 7:31 AM - Military: 24h Military, eg: 0731 - 24h: Normal 24h, eg: 7:31"
Default: 12h
Valid: 12h, military, 24h

Prompt Case Sensitivity
"If true, Y/N prompts are case-sensitive and y and n are not accepted."
Default: True
ValidL True, False

Snap to Target
"If true, automatically follow the crosshair when firing/throwing."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Save upon Sleeping
"If true, game will ask to save the map before sleeping."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Query Before Disassembly
"If true, will query before disassembling items."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Query upon Keybinding
"If true, will query before removing a keybinding from a hotkey."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Auto-Close Advanced Inventory
"If true, will close the advanced inventory when the move all items command is used."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Vehicle Armor color Changes
"If true, vehicle parts will change color if they are armor plated"
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Driving View Offset
"If true, view will automatically shift towards the driving direction"
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Vehicle Driving Indicator
"If true, when controlling a vehicle, a white 'X' (in curses version) or a crosshair (in tiles version) at distance 10 from the center will display its current facing."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Sidebar HUD Position
"Switch between sidebar on the left or on the right side. Requires restart."
Default: Right
Valid: Right, Left

Sidebar Style
"Switch between a narrower or wider sidebar. Requires restart."
Default: Narrow
Valid: Narrow, Wider

Sidebar Log Flow
"Where new sidebar log messages should show."
Default: Bottom
Valid: Bottom, Top

Vehicle Menu Style
"Switch between two different styles of vehicle interaction menu or combination of them."
Default: Vertical
Valid: Vertical, Horizontal, Hybrid

Move View Offset
"Move view by how many squares per keypress."
Default: 1
Valid: Min: 1, Max: 50

Menu Scroll
"If true, menus will start scrolling in the center of the list, and keep the list centered."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

List Item View Shift
"Centered or to edge, shift the view toward the selected item if it is outside of your current viewport."
Default: Centered
Valid: Centered, False, Edge

Auto Inventory Letter Assignment
"If false, new inventory items will only get letters assigned if they had one before."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Item Health Bars
"If true, show item health bars instead of reinforced, scratched etc. text."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Item Symbols
"If true, show item symbols in inventory and pick up menu."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Graphics Options

"If true, will display enabled animations."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Rain Animation
"If true, will display weather animations."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Scrolling Text Animations
"If true, will display scrolling combat text animations."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Animation Repeat Delay
"The amount of time to pause between animation frames in ms."
Default: 10
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 100

X Axis Terminal Size
"Set the size of the terminal along the X axis. Requires restart."
Default: 80
Valid: Min 80, Max 242

Y Axis Terminal Size
"Set the size of the terminal along the Y axis. Requires restart."
Default: 24
Valid: Min: 24, Max: 24

Debug Options

Initial Overworld Map Reveal
"Determines the scope, which is known in the beginning of the game."
Default: 15
Valid: Min: 3, Max: 20

Character Generation Initial Points
"Initial points available on character generation."
Default: 6
Valid: Min: 6, Max: 1000

Maximum Allowed Trait Points
"Maximum trait points available for character generation."
Default: 12
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 1000

Experience Scaling
"Scales experience gained from practicing skills and reading books. 0.5 is half as fast as default, 2.0 is twice as fast, 0.0 disables skill training except for NPC training."
Default: 1.00
Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00

Skill Rust
"Set the level of skill rust. Vanilla: Vanilla Cataclysm - Capped: Capped at skill levels 2 - Int: Intelligence dependent - IntCap: Intelligence dependent, capped - Off: None at all."
Default: Int
Valid: Vanilla, Capped, Int, Intcap, Off

World Defaults

World end handling
"Delete the world when the last active character dies."
Default: No
Valid: No, Yes, Query

City Size
"A number determining how large cities are. 0 disables cities and roads."
Default: 4
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 16

City Spacing
"A number determining how far apart cities are. Warning, small numbers lead to very slow mapgen."
Default: 4
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 8

Monster Spawn Density
"A scaling factor that determines density of monster spawns."
Default: 1.00
Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 50.00

Item Spawn Density
"A scaling factor that determines density of item spawns."
Default: 1.00
Valid: Min: 0.01, Max: 10.00

NPC Spawn Density
"A scaling factor that determines density of dynamic NPC spawns."
Default: 1.00
Valid: Min: 0.00, Max: 100.00

Monster Evolution Factor
"A scaling factor that determines the time between monster upgrades. A higher number means slower evolution. Set to 0.00 to turn off monster upgrades."
Default: 4.00
Valid: Min: 4.00, Max: 100.00

"(WIP feature) Determines terrain, shops, plants, and more."
Default: Default
Valid: Default

Initial Time of Day
"Initial starting time of day on character generation."
Default: 8
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 23

Initial Season
"Season the player starts in. Options other than the default delay spawn of the character, so food decay and monster spawns will have advanced."
Default: Spring
Valid: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Season Length
"Season length, in days."
Default: 91
Valid: Min: 14, Max: 127

Construction Speed Scaling
"Multiplies the speed of construction by the given percentage. '0' automatically scales construction to match the world's season length."
Default: 100
Valid: Min: 0, Max: 1000

Eternal Seasons
"Keep the initial season for ever."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Static Spawn
"Spawn zombies at game start instead of during game. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Wandering Hordes
"Emulation of zombie hordes. Zombie spawn points wander around cities and may go to noise. Must reset world directory after changing for it to take effect."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Classic Zombies
"Only spawn classic zombies and natural wildlife. Requires a reset of save folder to take effect. This disables certain buildings."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Surrounded Start
"If true, spawn zombies at shelters. Makes the starting game a lot harder."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Static NPC
"If true, the game will spawn static NPC at the start of the game, requires world reset."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Random NPC
"If true, the game will randomly spawn NPC during gameplay."
Default: False
Valid: True, False

Mutation Through Radiation
"If true, radiation causes the player to mutate."
Default: True
Valid: True, False

Experimental Z-Levels
"If true, experimental z-level maps will be enabled. This feature is not finished yet; the minimap has problems with it, among other things."
Default: False
Valid: True, False