Vehicle parts: Difference between revisions

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Currently there is no way to turn off particular turrets. You can achieve a similar effect by blocking off its vision with shutter doors with a door motor installed and then closing and opening it with the door motor (using controls).
Currently there is no way to turn off particular turrets. You can achieve a similar effect by blocking off its vision with shutter doors with a door motor installed and then closing and opening it with the door motor (using controls).
== Ammunition ==
Turrets will disable automatically when they run out of ammo. To reload them, you must {{k|D}}rop the corresponding ammo over them (as if you were "feeding" them).
Currently, the ammo counter of a given turret will always display 1, regardless of the amount of ammo you've deposited on it.


Revision as of 14:15, 18 December 2014

Vehicles consist of parts, which can be damaged and, eventually, broken. Parts can be external, or internal (which are mounted inside the former). External parts are enclosed in [square brackets], internal parts in -dashes-.

Internal parts which are tagged as 'over' are a special case. They will be enclosed in (round brackets), override the color of the external part, and will function as armor — protecting other parts in this tile from damage (although not infallibly).

Vehicle tiles can be tagged as inside (marked as In) or outside (Out). Inside tiles protect from weather effects, while outside ones don't. To become an inside tile the tile must have a roof, and the adjacent tiles must have either roof or some impenetrable obstacle (like a closed door or windshield).

The mass, top and safe speed, acceleration, fuel consumption, noise and mobility of a vehicle is based on its composition. For example, safe speed is the speed at which engine can pull the mass without damaging the engine.

List of parts

A list of all the parts you can install in a vehicle, detailing their characteristics, the required components in order to install them and miscellaneous notes.

The Par column has different meanings depending on the type of part:

  • power for engines (top speed) and solar panel (% of 1 fuel per turn, can be > 100)
  • size for wheels (inches)
  • capacity for fuel tanks and parts that allow storing cargo
  • bonus for seatbelt (str) and muffler (%)
  • energy consumption for parts that require power from the car battery to work

Steel frame, steel plating, as well as spiked plating and hard plating can be crafted with a welder by using lumps and chunks of steel.

    Name Dm Du Par Fuel Req Comp S Flags Note
#* seat 60 300 100 0 seat 1 over seat boardable no_reinforce cargo beltable You need a seat and vehicle controls in the same tile to drive.
*# tracking device 10 20 -63 0 vehicle tracking device 3 track unmount_on_damage
#* saddle 20 80 0 0 saddle 1 seat boardable
#* foldable seat 10 20 0 0 sheet 3 seat boardable foldable Cannot be unfolded, thus not usable as a driver seat
#* bed 60 95 200 0 seat 1 over bed no_reinforce cargo
# frame 100 400 0 0 steel frame 1 external mount_point mount_inner 13.61kg / 30.00lbs
h# foldable light frame 100 50 0 0 pipe 3 mountable foldable
# extra light frame 100 175 0 0 extra light frame 1 external mount_point mount_inner 5.05kg / 11.13lbs
# heavy duty frame 100 1200 0 0 heavy duty frame 1 external mount_point mount_inner 26.00kg / 57.32lbs
^# handle 100 100 0 0 pipe 1 external mount_point mount_inner It's just a decorative and weak frame variant.
# wooden frame 100 200 0 0 wooden frame 1 7.00kg / 15.43lbs
^# wooden handle 100 150 0 0 wooden frame 1
# light wooden frame 100 100 0 0 light wooden frame 0 4.00kg / 8.82lbs
# board 100 240 0 0 sheet metal 1 external mount_point mount_inner opaque obstacle Like a frame, but blocks movement and vision.
# heavy duty board 100 1000 0 0 steel plating 1 opaque obstacle
# wooden board 100 300 0 0 wooden plate 1 opaque obstacle
# quarterpanel 100 225 0 0 sheet metal 1 obstacle Like a board, but doesn't block vision.
# extra light quarterpanel 100 100 0 0 pipe 1 obstacle Like a board, but doesn't block vision.
# wooden quarterpanel 100 75 0 0 wooden plate 1 obstacle Like a board, but doesn't block vision.
=H# aisle 100 400 0 0 sheet metal 1 internal over no_reinforce aisle boardable You can move faster through these than other car parts.
=# floor trunk 100 400 350 0 sheet metal 1 internal over no_reinforce aisle boardable cargo covered You can move faster through these than other car parts. Also provides storage like a trunk or box.
h# stow board 100 200 250 0 sheet metal 3 obstacle opaque cargo covered
## cloth roof 100 15 0 0 sheet 1 roof foldable
## roof 100 240 0 0 sheet metal 1 internal roof Only provides protection from rain -acid and normal- when surrounded by other roofs, doors, boards or windshields
## heavy duty roof 100 1000 0 0 steel plating 1 roof Only provides protection from rain -acid and normal- when surrounded by other roofs, doors, boards or windshields
+& door 80 225 10 0 steel frame 2 external cargo obstacle openable boardable window It also provides limited visibility, in the experimental build these can be fitted with curtains which can be closed from the inside.
+& opaque door 80 240 10 0 steel frame 2 external obstacle openable opaque A door that blocks vision.
+& internal door 75 240 0 0 steel frame 2 external obstacle opaque openable roof boardable no_reinforce
+& hatch 80 120 150 0 steel frame 2 cargo obstacle openable multisquare boardable covered
+& heavy duty hatch 80 360 150 0 heavy duty frame 4 cargo obstacle openable multisquare boardable covered
"0 windshield 70 50 0 0 sheet of glass 1 over obstacle window no_reinforce A part that blocks movement but allows vision. Relatively fragile.
-x blade 250 200 0 0 blade 2 external unmount_on_damage sharp protrusion no_reinforce
|x blade 250 200 0 0 blade 2 external unmount_on_damage sharp protrusion no_reinforce
.x spike 300 250 0 0 spike 2 external unmount_on_damage sharp protrusion no_reinforce
0x wheel 50 200 9 0 wheel 4 external mount_over wheel mount_point variable_size
Ox wide wheel 50 400 14 0 wide wheel 5 external mount_over wheel mount_point variable_size
Ox armored wheel 50 800 20 0 armored wheel 6 wheel variable_size
BE roller drum 500 7500 60 0 heavy duty steel drum 7 obstacle wheel variable_size
|x unicycle wheel 50 40 2 0 bicycle wheel 2 wheel stable variable_size
|x wheelchair wheel 50 40 4 0 pair of wheelchair wheels 2 wheel stable variable_size foldable
|x bicycle wheel 50 40 2 0 bicycle wheel 1 external mount_over wheel mount_point variable_size
ox motorbike wheel 50 90 4 0 motorbike wheel 2 external mount_over wheel mount_point variable_size
ox small wheel 50 70 6 0 small wheel 2 external mount_over wheel mount_point variable_size
ox caster 50 70 6 0 set of casters 1 wheel stable variable_size foldable
|x wooden cart wheel 50 30 2 0 wooden cart wheel 2 wheel variable_size
|x banded wooden cart wheel 60 60 2 0 banded wooden cart wheel 2 wheel variable_size
*# 1-cylinder engine 80 150 40 gasoline 1-cylinder engine 2 internal engine variable_size
*# V-twin engine 80 200 120 gasoline V-twin engine 2 internal engine variable_size
*# Inline-4 engine 80 300 300 gasoline Inline-4 engine 3 internal engine variable_size
*# V6 engine 80 400 800 gasoline V6 engine 4 internal engine variable_size
*# V8 engine 80 400 800 gasoline V8 engine 4 internal engine variable_size
*# V12 engine 80 600  ? gasoline v12 engine 8 engine variable_size
*# electric motor 80 200 70 batteries electric motor 3 internal engine
*# large electric motor 80 400 350 batteries large electric motor 4 internal engine
*# small electric motor 80 120 15 batteries itm_motor_small 1 engine
*# plasma engine 80 250 400 hydrogen plasma engine 6 internal engine
*# foot pedals 50 50 60 muscle foot crank 1 internal pedals engine foldable An engine that doesn't require any fuel source.
*# hand rims 50 50 50 muscle itm_hand_rims 1 hand rims engine foldable An engine that doesn't require any fuel source.
O# gasoline tank (small) 80 100 6000 gasoline small metal tank 1 fuel_tank
O# gasoline tank 80 150 30000 gasoline metal tank 1 internal fuel_tank
O# gasoline tank (little) 80 75 650 gasoline little metal tank 1 fuel_tank
O# externally mounted gas tank 80 160 110000 gasoline 55 gallon drum 1 unmount_on_damage fuel_tank protrusion
O# small storage battery 80 200 1000 batteries small storage battery 1 fuel_tank
O# storage battery 80 300 100000 batteries storage battery 2 internal fuel_tank
O# minireactor 80 580 10000 plutonium minireactor 7 internal fuel_tank Provides electricity for electric engines.
O# hydrogene tank 80 150 3000 hydrogen metal tank 1 internal fuel_tank
O# water tank 80 150 400 water metal tank 1 internal fuel_tank Allows the storage of water for use by a kitchen unit
H# minifridge 80 100 300 0 minifridge 3 cargo obstacle fridge covered Drain battery while on, can be toggled on/off with controls.
H# trunk 80 350 650 0 steel frame 1 over cargo covered
o# box 60 100 275 0 steel frame 1 over cargo boardable covered
o# travois 60 50 205 0 light wooden frame 0 cargo boardable covered
o# wire basket 60 75 60 0 wire 1 cargo boardable foldable
o# shopping cart basket 60 75 200 0 basket 1 cargo boardable
## table 60 145 15 0 v_table 1 cargo obstacle
$$ controls 10 250 0 0 vehicle controls 3 internal controls foldable Controls need to be on the same tile as a seat to be useable.
// muffler 10 50 40 0 muffler 2 internal muffler One per combustion engine to reduce noise. Additional mufflers do nothing.
,, seatbelt 10 35 25 0 rope - 6 ft 1 internal seatbelt Reduces the chance of being thrown from your seat during a collision.
,, 5-point harness 10 100 25 0 rope - 30 ft 2 seatbelt
\0 curtain 1 200 25 0 sheet 1 openable openclose_inside opaque curtain Can be installed on windshield and doors.
#x solar panel 10 20 111 0 solar panel 6 over solar_panel Charge faster the sunnier it is.
#x reinforced solar panel 80 300 105 0 reinforced solar panel 6 solar_panel Charge faster the sunnier it is.
#x upgraded solar panel 10 20 222 0 upgraded solar panel 8 solar_panel Charge faster the sunnier it is.
#x reinforced upgraded solar panel 80 300 210 0 reinforced upgraded solar panel 9 solar_panel Charge faster the sunnier it is.
#x quantum solar panel 10 30 555 0 quantum solar panel 12 solar_panel Charge faster the sunnier it is.
u- water faucet 10 45 0 0 water faucet 1 faucet
&x kitchen unit 10 80 400 0 RV kitchen unit 4 over cargo obstacle kitchen covered roof no_reinforce To use it the vehicle also needs a storage battery (to power it) and, optionally, a water tank (to store water)
&x welding rig 10 95 400 0 vehicle welding rig 4 cargo obstacle weldrig covered
&x FOODCO kitchen buddy 10 80 400 0 FOODCO kitchen buddy 4 cargo obstacle craftrig covered
&x onboard chemistry lab 10 65 400 0 onboard chemistry lab 4 cargo obstacle chemlab covered
&x mounted electric forge 10 180 0 0 vehicle forge rig 3 obstacle forge
t# mounted M249 80 400 0 .223 M249 6 over turret cargo
t# mounted flamethrower 80 400 0 gasoline flamethrower 7 over turret
t# mounted plasma gun 80 400 0 hydrogen Boeing XM-P Plasma Rifle 7 over turret
t# mounted fusion gun 80 400 0 fusion FTK-93 fusion gun 7 turret cargo
t# mounted NX17 80 400 0 batteries NX-17 charge rifle 7 turret
t# mounted M2 Browning 80 400 0 50 M2 Browning HMG 6 turret cargo
t# mounted Mark 19 grenade launcher 80 400 0 40mm Mark 19 grenade launcher 6 turret cargo
)) steel plating 100 1000 0 0 steel plating 3 internal armor
)) superalloy plating 100 900 0 0 superalloy plating 4 internal armor Lighter than regular steel plating.
)) spiked plating 150 900 0 0 spiked plating 3 internal armor sharp Parts covered with this armor inflict additional damage to what it hits.
)) hard plating 100 2300 0 0 hard plating 4 internal armor 3 times as heavy as regular steel plating.
&& stereo system 0 60 -1 0 itm_stereo 2 stereo Requires 'music CD' to play. Uses car battery for power.
o* wing mirror 10 20 0 0 itm_mirror 1 mirror protrusion unmount_on_damage Mounted on car's sides. Easy to break.
** head light 10 20 -187 0 flashlight 1 cone_light Uses car battery for power. Fragile.
** reinforced head light 10 80 -187 0 itm_headlight_reinforced 1 cone_light Uses car battery for power. Fragile.


  • external — can be mounted as a external part
  • internal — can be mounted inside another part
  • over — can be mounted over another part
  • mount_point — allows mounting other parts to it
  • mount_inner — allows mounting internal parts inside or over it
  • mount_over — allows mounting parts like cargo trunks over it
  • opaque — blocks line of sight
  • obstacle — nothing can walk through this part
  • openable — can be opened/closed
  • no_reinforce — cannot be reinforced with armor plates
  • sharp — deals cutting damage instead of bashing
  • unmount_on_damage — when damaged, part is unmounted rather than broken
  • roof — protects from acid and normal rain
  • wheel — this part touches ground (triggers traps)
  • seat — it's a seat
  • mirror - can show spaces out of sight from car interior
  • engine — necessary for vehicles to be able to move
  • fuel_tank — necessary for engines that use any kind of fuel
  • cargo — allows to store items
  • controls — allows to control the vehicle, necessary part
  • muffler — reduces noise emitted by gasoline engines
  • seatbelt — reduces damage to driver or passenger when the vehicle collides
  • solar_panel — allows to recharge storage batteries on sunny days
  • turret — it's a turret which can be activated to automatically shoot any enemy in sight
  • armor — gives extra protection to all the parts in that tile
  • variable_size — allows parts of different size or capacity
  • light — emits light
  • bed — it's a bed
  • kitchen — allows you to cook (draining batteries) or drink from a mounted water tank
  • aisle — An empty area you can walk on with no extra movement cost
  • stereo - capable of playing music
  • protrusion - can not be installed in existing parts

Engines: load vs strain

Load is (engine power used)/(maximum engine power output). In case of a single undamaged engine, this translates to (engine power)/(max power). Damaged engine's power output is proportional to it's remaining hp percentage. Multiple engines' output is multiplied by 4/(num_engines + 3). Note that adding a weak engine to a powerful engine can actually decrease the overall power output (and thus increase engine load for a given speed).

Load affects fuel usage, smoke and noise. Load is processed twice: once for driving, once for having an active engine. When driving, load is equal to percentage of acceleration used (ie. if acceleration is 50 and vehicle accelerates from 0 to 24, load is 0.48). The second load is equal to sum of alternator loads or 0.01, whichever is higher.

Strain is (|current velocity| - safe velocity)/(max velocity - safe velocity). Strain greatly increases fuel consumption (100 times more on max velocity than on safe velocity) and causes engine damage, unless the engine is powered by muscles. Muscle powered engines will instead drain extra resources from the driver (5 times as much at max velocity as on safe velocity).


Turrets fire automatically at enemies as long as they have ammo and are turned on. They can shoot at your own car, but they can only damage it with area attacks (bullets that hit the turret's car will not damage it). They will avoid shooting the player, but it can be unreliable, especially when standing close to the turret.

When the player is visible to the turret and within 24 tiles from it, it will not target any enemy within 30 degree cone centered at the player. This includes enemies much closer to the turret than the player. As the player gets closer to the turret, the cone is widened to 60 degrees (at 2 tile distance) and then 120 degrees (when adjacent). Despite that, the further you are from the turret, the safer you are from its stray shots.

Friendlies are ignored (neither targeted nor avoided). Closer enemies are preferred. Turrets can't see in the darkness and will not consider invisible player's safety.

Currently there is no way to turn off particular turrets. You can achieve a similar effect by blocking off its vision with shutter doors with a door motor installed and then closing and opening it with the door motor (using controls).