Magiclysm is a in-progress mod introduced in 0.E (Ellison). It adds plenty of fantasy elements incompatible with the base game, such as a spell system and some Dungeons and Dragons-inspired monsters. Planned updates include the addition of supernatural dungeons filled with magical dangers, as well as loot.
Spell System
Spells can be learned from spellbooks (see below), which have multiple spells, and scrolls, which have a single spell. (Scrolls are NOT single-use items.)
Studying spells raises the Spellcraft skill and gives experience to level the studied spell. Casting a spell awards experience towards leveling that spell. but doesn't raise the Spellcraft skill. Each spell level awards specific bonuses to that spell (such as extra damage, range, duration, area of effect, mana cost, etc.).
The Spellcraft skill is relevant for (magical) crafting and to reduce the chance of spellcasting failure.
Each spell has a set "difficulty", which is in its in-game description. The difficulty is important in determining the chance of spell failure and up to what level the Spellcraft skill can be trained by studying that spell.
Spell Classes
Each spell in Magiclysm is associated with a particular class (except for a few classless spells), each of which represents a school of magic. There are eight classes in Magiclysm, consisting of four pairs of opposing classes. Aligning with one class prevents you from accessing spells from the opposing class.
Class | Opposing Class |
Kelvinist | Stormshaper |
Biomancer | Druid |
Earthshaper | Technomancer |
Animist | Magus |
- Magus: "A tradition as old as magic, the magus focuses on binding and shaping the energy of the universe to their will."
- Animist: "The animist tradition is a relatively new school of magical thought, formed through combination of many older ways that focus on harmony and connection to the natural world. This does not mean that animists are passive: the natural world is a savage place."
- Kelvinist: "Disciples of the great Archwizard Lord Kelvin. Kelvinists focus their magic on manipulation and control of the temperature of their environment, leading to spectacularly powerful explosions or bone-chilling cold."
- Stormshaper: "Stormshapers follow ancient arcane disciplines of meditation and harmony with the winds and tides that shape the planet. Through their deep connection to these forces, they can request powerful changes."
- Technomancer: "Technomancers are the new breed of modern magician, blending their arcane might with their advanced knowledge of the fundamental nature of the universe. They use technology to enhance their magic and vice versa."
- Earthshaper: "Earthshapers have allowed their minds to sink deep within the stones and metals of the planet, and become one with its secrets. To a master Earthshaper, spells can be as permanent as the stones they are created from, and time is measured in geological eras."
- Biomancer: "The Biomancer focuses on manipulating and even absorbing flesh; their own, and that of other living or dead things. Most other wizards find their powers gross and disturbing, but no one can question the potency of their abilities, and certainly not their adaptability to any situation."
- Druid: "Druids follow a wild tradition of allegiance and rebirth within the world of nature, especially the cycle of death and rebirth that is the plant world. A powerful druid is as much a part of that world as the human one."
Spells By Class
Below is a list of spells for each class. Classless spells aren't associated with a class.
Acid Resistance
Aura of Protection
Blinding Flash
Crystallize Mana
Dark Sight
Dispel Magic
Ethereal Grasp
Freshen Up
Greater Acid Resistance
Improved Aura of Protection
Improved Obfuscated Body
Knowing the Day and the Hour
Magical Light
Mana Extraction
Mana Fatigue
Obfuscated Body
Peaceful Rest
Sound Bomb
Thought Shield
Thought Suit
Translocate Self
Adamantine Gaol
Baleful Polymorph
Cat's Grace
Diamond Imbuement
Dimension Door
Eagle's Sight
Enhanced Impact Sling
Faerie Fire
Focused Bolt
Fox's Cunning
Gravity Well
Impact Sling
Imperishable Light
Jar of Force
Magic Missile
Magus Rune
Magus's Mark
Mana Beam
Mana Blast
Mana Bolt
Ogre's Strength
Phase Door
Shadow Field
Sorcerer's Hand
Spider Climb
Word of Recall
A Shadow in the Crowd
A Shadow in the Crowd Self
Abjure Spirits of Rot
Abstract Summon Swarm
Abstract Summon Zombie
Animist Rune
Decaying Boneclub
Disruption Bolt
Guardian Spirit
Ignus Fatuus
Improved Decaying Boneclub
Lesser Banishment
Life Conversion
Life Detonation
Life Detonation Explosion
Magic Fissile
Magic Fissile Radiation
Mind Crush
Mind over Pain
Necrotic Gaze
Osseous Luck
Sense Outsiders
Spirit Walk
Summon Barghest
Summon Boneplate Wolf
Summon Decayed Pouncer
Summon Hulking Horror
Summon Skeletal Brute
Summon Skeletal Dog
Summon Skeletal Juggernaut
Summon Skeletal Wolf
Summon Skeleton Zombie
Summon Spearcat Hunter
Summon Tough Zombie
Summon Undead
Summon Undead Swarm
Summon Watcher Spirit
Summon Zombie
Summon Zombie Brute
Summon Zombie Dog
The Inner Voice
Wrathful Spirits
Baking Hands
Burning Hands
Chilling Touch
Cloak of Chill
Cloak of Warmth
Cone of Cold
Enhanced Flamesword
Enhanced Frost Armor
Enhanced Glide on Ice
Enhanced Ice Shield
Extinguish Cold Emit
Finger Firelighter
Flames of Passion
Flames of the Apocalypse
Flames of the Apocalypse Target
Freezer Field
Freezing Touch
Frost Armor
Frost Spray
Glide on Ice
Hoary Blast
Ice Shield
Ice Spike
Kelvinist Rune
Nova Flare
Point Flare
The Rime-Covered Heart
Air Bubble
Call Stormhammer
Cloak of Fog
Cloak of Fog Random
Cloak of Fog Real
Cloak of Fog Wonder
Cloak of Frog
Cloak of Frog Summon
Cloak of Frog Transform
Cloak of Frog Wonder
Electric Arts
Electric Eye
Electric Waves
Electric Waves Damage
Enhanced Call Stormhammer
Enhanced Repelling Arc
Enhanced Stormfist
Explosive Decompression
Fire Spark
Heart of the Hurricane
Heart of the Hurricane Throw
Ionization Thunderclap
Lightning Blast
Lightning Blast from Lightning Storm
Lightning Bolt
Lightning Storm
Repelling Arc
Repelling Arc Aura
Shocking Dash
Shocking Lash
Shocking Lash Base
Shocking Lash Jump
Shocking Teleport
Shocking Teleport damage
Stormshaper Rune
Summon Teravolt
Thundering Voice
Vacuum Decompression
Wall of Fog
Animated Blade
Enhanced Mage Armor
Enhanced Mage Blade
Enhanced Zoom Lens
Holographic Transposition
Hypervelocity Knifeshot
Imbue with Lightning
Improved Knock
Lesser Quantum Tunnel
Machine Mind
Mage Armor
Mage Blade
Mirror Image
Optical Sneeze Beam
Overcharge Burn
Power Linkage
Power Supply
Speak through the Aether
Summon Co-op cycle
Summon Floating Disk
Summon Mojocycle
Synaptic Stimulation
Technomancer Rune
The Body Mechanical
Voltaic Touch
X-ray Vision
Zoom Lens
Crystal Wrapping
Earth Gate
Earthshaper Rune
Fault-Mending Chant
Granite Aegis
Harden Earth
Improved Stonefist
Improved Stoneskin
Move Earth
Petrifying Touch
Piercing Bolt
Pillar Side Effect
Pillar of Stone
Reactive Armor
Reading the Earthbones
Seismic Stomp
Shape of Dust
Stone Slumber
Stone's Endurance
Stones' Fortitude
Summon Boulder
Summon Earthshaper's Golem
The Turning of the Earth
Utility Molding
Utility Molding (Axe)
Utility Molding (Hammer)
Utility Molding (Knife)
Utility Molding (Pickaxe)
Utility Molding (Shovel)
Acidic Spray
Biomancer Rune
Carmine Infusion
Carrion Feast
Caustic Aura
Caustic Blood
Caustic Feedback
Coagulant Weave
Conjure Bonespear
Cure Disease, Minor
Cure Light Wounds
Evolved Conjure Bonespear
Evolved Vicious Tentacle
Flensing Fingers
Flesh Pouch
Giant Growth
Gluttonous Consumption
Grotesque Enhancement
Halt Bleeding
Improved Caustic Aura
Lashing Tentacles
Limbs of the Frog
Pain Split
Paralytic Dart
Preserve Genetic Stability
Rapid Regeneration
Vicious Tentacle
Visceral Backlash
Visceral Paralysis
Visceral Projection
Aquatic Mantle
Awakening of the Forest Guardian
Bag of Cats
Beguiling the Savage Beast
Cause Bear
Cause Rot
Cause Rot Terrain Rot
Communion with Nature
Druid Rune
Enhanced Feral Form
Enhanced Spear of Brambles
Feral Form
Floral Healing
Fountain of the Depths
Harvest of the Hunter
Improved Nature's Bow
Kill Fungus
Nature's Arrows
Nature's Arrows
Nature's Bow
Nature's Quiver
Nature's Quiver
Nature's Trance
Purification Seed
Renewing the Forest
Root Strike
Sacrificial Healing
Sacrificial Regrowth
Seed of Growth
Shape Wood
Spear of Brambles
Summon Brambles Arc
Summon Brambles Line
Summon Tanglevine
Summon Wolf
Traverse the Wilds
Vegetative Grasp
Vegetative Poultice
Wash the Wounds Clean
Water Strider's Walk
Water's Cooling Touch
Whisper of the Leaves
Wooden Shaft
Magiclysm Monsters
The Magiclysm mod brings some monsters: Trolls, Golems, Demon Spiders, Owlbears and others.
Magiclysm Craftables
The Magiclysm mod also adds some new options for crafting, such as potions, armor made from dragonhide, spell-class equipment (such as the Druid composite bow and Technomancer toolbar) and more.
Magiclysm Spellbooks
A Beginners Guide to Magic
A Technomancers Guide to Debugging C:DDA (can only be obtained through debugging)
A Treatise on Magical Elements
An Introduction to Applied Meteorology
Complete Idiot's Guide to Technomancy
Geospatial Systems: The Lie Of Linearity
Fundamentals of Technomancy
Introduction to the Divine
Necromantic Minions for Dummies
Nondescript Spellbook
Of Light and Falsehoods
Pyromancy for Heretics
Runic Tablet shard
Smudged Scroll
Technomancy and the Electromagnetic Spectrum
The Book of Trees
The Paladin's Guide to Modern Spellcasting
The Tome of Flesh
The Tome of Magical Movement
The Tome of The Battle Mage
The Tome of the Hollow Earth
The Tome of The Oncoming Storm
The Utility of Mana as an Energy Source
Transcendence of the Human Condition
Winter's Eternal Grasp
Wizarding Guide to Backpacking
Magiclysm : How to be a great magus