Options can be accessed in-game by pressing ? then 2 or in the "Help" menu. If you delete the options.txt stored in "Data" the game will create a new file
- Force Y/N in promts
- (default: true) only capital letters will be used as query confirmation.
- Use Celsius
- (default: false) temperature will be converted from Fahrenheit scale.
- Use Metric System
- (default: false) vehicle speed will be converted from mph to Km/h.
- No Bright Backgrounds
- (default: false) turns off bright background colors. It is only for linux console play, and it is intended to extend support to terminals that do not have 16 background colors.
- 24 Hour Time
- (default: 0) 1 enables 24h military clock and 2 enables a normal 24h clock
- Snap to Target
- (default: false) The view-screen will start centered on cursor when aiming.
- Safemode on by default
- (default: true) The game will start with safemode turned on.
- Safemode proximity distance
- (default: 0) If safemode is enabled, distance to hostiles when safemode should show a warning
- Auto-Safemode on by default
- (default: false) The game will start with auto-safemode turned on.
- Turns to re-enable safemode
- (default: 50) Number of turns after safemode is re-enables if no hostiles are in Safemode proximity distance
- Periodical autosave
- (default: false) The game will save the map every X time.
- Gradual night light
- (default: false) The game will add a gradual-lighting.
- Rain animation
- (default: true) If true, weather animations will be displayed.
- Querry on disassembly
- (default: true) The game will querry before disassembling items.
- Drop empty containers
- (default: 0) Set to drop containers after use.
- Skill rust
- (default: 0) Sets the level of skills rust.
- Delete world
- (default: 0) Currently not working.
- Initial points
- (default: 6) The number of points at the start of a new character
- Initial time
- (default: 8) Initial time of day on character generation. Default is 08:00.
- Viewport width/height
- (default: 12x12) Changes the size of the window and allows to see more tiles
- Static spawn
- (default: true) The game spawns the Zs at the start of the game. No more Zs will spawn after the start of the game. Must delete save directory after changing this for it to take effect.
- Classic zombies
- (default: false) Only spawn classic zombies and natural wildlife. Probably requires a reset of the save folder to take effect.