Talk:Archer Guide
Just a few thoughts - I don't agree with all of the advice here but I don't want to start hitting up your guide with my changes so I'll note them here for discussion.
- Perception at 12: This is unnecessarily high and (in particular) should probably not take priority over having strength of 10. Perception 10 is fine for practically anyone, with perception 11 being reasonable if you want to start wearing endgame face protection ASAP. Is this advice based on the old version of the game where Perception made ranged weapons supernaturally accurate?
- Strength of 8: You need strength 10 to use practically all the bows, strength 8 will limit you to only using shortbows. This is fine for many characters but if you're going dedicated archer then you probably don't want to cripple your archery in this manner. Strength of 12 is possibly good advice for a dedicated archer too, since it lets you use the (insanely powerful) Reflex Recurve Bow.
- Skills: I'm fine with these but I think it's worth noting that spending this many points on skills makes this character better in the early game at the expense of late game difficulty. Admittedly the late game isn't very hard at the moment though so this is probably a reasonable tradeoff. Still might be worth mentioning somewhere (in the introduction?) that this is an early-game focused build.
Jahannan (talk) 17:43, 17 June 2014 (PDT)
I'm... not sure why I wrote that for the stats. I mean, I recommend using a longbow, which has strength 10, and my character has Perception 10 and Strength 10... I'll change that, thank you!