Whole section updated to 0.8
This and all the related pages have been finally updated with the information found in the armor.json file from v0.8.
The item lists are now easier to update. You just have to embed the item page in the desired list.
I've also moved all the sections with item lists to their respective pages, while providing a new sidebar (and a links list in this same page, below) to access them. This is done to reduce the usual server load created by this page, which with this last update has grown even bigger.
Thanks to user:Grizzlyadamz for all the help.
--Kenoxite (talk) 06:33, 6 October 2013 (PDT)
I suggest update to 0.C (Cooper) encumbrance system
In 0.C (Cooper) the encumbrance values are different, the last time this was updated was when there was an encumbrance system with single digit encumbrance, but now clothes can have 9 encumbrance which was previously crippling in the previous system, but now you are only encumbered at 10 encumbrance, not 1.
I suggest this update because this section is horribly outdated.