World end handling
World end handling what happens to the game world when the last character dies.
On the world options settings there are four options:
Delete means when the character dies the world is gone too.
Keep means the character's changes to the world persist; this breaks some missions and allows for the next character to find the corpse of the first.
Reset(the default) means the world is regenerated with the existing world rules.
Query means ask.
Messy notes to fix later
"Query" would be the "asked upon death"
Reset is the default (and that, if I understood, is because replaying a world after death may supposedly cause some isses)
on KEEP option:
the next player that starts in that world will also know all of the npcs
it actually isn't the "next" spring after it died either, it rewinds time to the beginning
it's because the way it's programmed doesn't assume you'll keep the world
you can find and bury your previous character
oh so he/she will just be dead on day 1 of spring with all their stuff wherever they died?
rewinds time, just the literal time, everything you did will still stay done