Whaling boat discovers frozen Mi-go
SPOILERS: Lore pages, by their nature, are spoilers. The story and game lore is meant to be experienced in-game; discovering lore via this wiki will likely detract from your enjoyment of the game. The content presented here may be inaccurate, out of context, out of date, and/or confusing. It is unofficial and non-canonical. |
- Year
- 2019
February: An extraterrestrial visitor, frozen in ice, is retrieved by a Japanese whaling boat, and hastily recovered by their government and research agencies. This is the first contact between mi-go and humans. Existence of the aliens is heard in rumours and leaked photos on the internet, until a well-known Edditor posts a ‘making of’ video that shows detailed information of how she constructed the model alien for an art exhibit. The photos continue to circulate but are relegated to places online where people don’t believe in Snopes.
News Reports
"POPULAR 'ALIEN AUTOPSY' DEBUNKED. A widely circulated video, making the rounds everywhere from FriendFace to television news, has been debunked as a fake. This extremely realistic and graphic alien autopsy shows an insect-like creature being dismantled by Japanese researchers, who comment on its anatomy in Japanese throughout the video. Early observations that the creature was suspiciously similar to those described in the popular works of horror author HP Lovecraft were not sufficient to dislodge the video's viral status. Yesterday, on the popular social media website Eddit, a 'making of' video was posted, clearly exposing the work as the final film project of a small group of students at UCLA."