The Free Merchants

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Revision as of 15:50, 4 July 2016 by Soyweiser (talk | contribs) (added lore category)
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The Free Merchants are a faction in the newer experimental and stable builds. Their faction revolves mostly around trade and caravan security, as they are always willing to trade at Refugee Centers and most of their available jobs are sending party members to guard caravans. While not the most lucrative faction to work for, newer characters will find their quests easier than the other factions, normally fetch quests or killing a bandit. The easiest faction in the game currently to build reputation up with, although it is unknown if you can build it up enough to access the basement of Refugee Centers.

After a few quests for their side, they give you a quest to help start up a new safe haven for refugees. This is arguably one of the best quest lines in the game, as it creates new NPC's and new traders, while netting a ridiculously high cash flow. All you have to do is fetch a small booklet from a randomly spawned Ranch and help the two NPC's build it up by gathering 200 2x4's, 25 blankets (Not down-filled blankets), and 2500 nails.