Toe Talons

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Revision as of 02:54, 15 March 2019 by Soyweiser (talk | contribs) (updated mutation to new system)
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Toe Talons RAP_TALONS Targeted Mutation Only RAPTOR
Cancels: Padded Feet, Hooves, Roots, Rooter, Chloromorphosis, Leg Tentacles
Point cost: -1 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 2
"You have grown large, curved, and wickedly sharp talons in place of your big toes. Fortunately, they don't get in the way of your movement. Unfortunately, they do prevent you from wearing footgear."

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

  • This mutation removes the ability to wear gear in the left foot, right foot location.
    • Any invalid gear that is equipped in the slots above will be destroyed on mutation.
  • This mutation gives an additional attack, with a at minimum one in 20 chance of activating, doing 4 points of cut damage, which is multiplied by strength.
( Edit Notes )