Want to be part of the community, engage with other players more, learn to contribute, or more? You came to the right place!
Forums, Discord Servers, and other Communities
Here is a few places you can engage with the community and talk with fellow players!
- The Cataclysm:DDA Reddit!
- The IRC!
- The Official Forums!
- The Official Dev Discord! The largest server for C:DDA, it has most of the dev team and if you are looking to chat about cataclysm, or looking to contribute to the game, it is highly recommended you come here; this server is specifically for talk about the game development.
- The Community Fan Discord! A more off-topic orientated server for the community, there are cataclysm channels there for discussion, and it provides a place for the community to be more chill and discuss common interest that would be too off-topic or general talk for the development discord
- The UltiCa Tileset Discord! The server for UltiCa, a community tileset for Cataclysm!
- WatchCDDA Discord! The server for WatchCDDA! The context for WatchCDDA is shown below.
- WatchCDDA Website! The Website for WatchCDDA, a project that aims a pseudo-multiplayer for Cataclysm.
- Cataclysm: Looming Darkness Github for a multiplayer re-imagining of Cataclysm
- Cataclysm Game Launcher for Windows!
Note: management reserves the right to remove people from this list who are just selfpromoting their channels and don't create enough cataclysm related content.
- Vormithrax Twitch
- TheMurderUnicorn
- Rycon
- Orange 01
- Critsy Bear Twitch
- Flakaby
- Pr0man
- Cromulent Archer
Guides, External Tools, Modding, and Contribution
- Cataclysm Quick Tips
- Cataclysm University
- Written Guide for Beginner Players
- Item and Monster Browser Allows browsing of the different items, recipes, monsters, and more in the game. For the current stable version of the game, and the experimental versions (called trunk).
- Skill/Stat Code Breakdown
- Skill Training Guide
- Detailed Guide for First Time Modders
- Quick start guide for contribution and modding
- Improved Text Readability
- Compiling Guide
- Control cheat sheet