Requires: Little Cancels: Inconveniently Large, Large, Freakishly Huge, Huge Changes to: Unassuming Point cost: -4 / Visibility: 8 |
"You're only half as tall as you used to be! The weight of things you once found easy to carry is now unbearable, clothes are now twice as encumbering for you unless you refit them (since you're half their size), and your hit points are heavily reduced. However, your movement is silent, and your dodge skill is a little higher." |
(View - Edit Notes )Notes
- Reduces maximum Hit points of each body part by: 30.0%.
- Reduces maximum carry weight by 50.0%.
- Increases dodge by 2.
- Removes all noise made while walking.
- The biggest change to Mouse characters.
- All clothes become oversize. This means that, without refitting them, they'll encumber you twice as much! It just takes a normal refit through tailoring to size it down to yourself, which makes it undersize. Undersize clothes fit normally on you, but if you lose your new size, they'll encumber you three times as much until you make them normal again. This also means that most backpacks are off-limits to you as only few can be refitted.
- Any oversize clothing will have a tag near their name @ : pair of hiking boots (too big) or @ : backpack (huge!). @ : (too big) items can be downsized but not @ : (huge!). This makes shoulder sling impractical as you cannot downsize weapons.