Controls may be customized in ?1 menu. Current key bindings are stored in data/keymap.txt
file, to revert back to defaults just delete it.
For vehicle controlling see its own page.
Default key bindings
Vikeys or numpad to move or attack | . or 5 — Wait for one turn |
< or > — Go up or down a stairs | ^ — Long wait |
! — Toggle Safemode | ' — Ignore nearby enemy |
" — Toggle Auto-Safemode | |
Actions | |
o or ' — Open a door | e — Examine nearby terrain (open container, use console, disarm trap, etc). |
c — Close a door | s — Smash nearby terrain |
p — View or activate bionics | B — Butcher a corpse |
& — Craft items | C — Chat with a NPC |
* — Construct | $ — Lie down to sleep |
Items | |
i — View inventory | , or g — Pick item(s) up, , in pick up screen will (de)select all items. |
= — Reassign inventory item key designations | d (D) — Drop items (to adjacent tile) |
E — Eat comestible | R — Read a book |
W — Wear item | T — Take off worn item |
a — Apply or use item (also works as W, E or R) | |
w — Wield item (w- to unwield current item) | t — Throw item |
_ — Select unarmed fighting style | f (F) — Fire wielded item (burst-fire) |
r — Reload wielded gun or tool | U — Unload wielded gun, tool or empty container |
Information | |
@ — View character status | ; or x — Look around |
% — View morale | : or m — View map |
M — View missions | # — View factions |
? — View help page | P — View message log (up to 256 recent messages) |
Meta | |
S — Save and quit | Q — Commit suicide (quit without saving) |
Debug keys
Note: Use of these keys is essentially CHEATING, unless you are in a situation caused by bugs (e.g. spawning in a windowless doorless room) or testing game features.
~ — Toggle debug messages.
Z — Wish menu. open's up a list and asks you what Debug you want to do.
- 1: Wish for an item. — type /hammer to search for "hammer", then press > and < to cycle through jackhammer, hammer, sledge hammer, etc. Note, that you cannot use escape, arrows or backspace keys while entering filter, use > and < to break it.
- 2: Teleport - Short Range — moves to a random nearby position, it uses teleporter function, so teleglow disease will be gained and there is a risk of lethal outcome.
- 3: Teleport - Long Range — asks to what map square you wanna move, then place randomly there.
- 4: Reveal map
- 5: Spawn NPC
- 6: Spawn Monster — it works the same as item wishing for the most part; pressing f will let you make the monster friendly if you want. After making your selection, move the cursor to pick a location to place the monster.
- 7: Check game state...
- 8: Kill NPCs
- 9: Mutate — allow to toggle your traits & mutations. If "NULL trait!" selected (the first string), it initiates a random mutation.
- 0: Spawn a vehicle
- a: Increase all skills by 3
- b: Learn all melee styles
- c: Check NPC
- d: Spawn Artifact — creates natural artifact and forms anomaly around it.
- e: Cancel
Unassigned — Scent map. Asks you what scent sensitivity you would like to view your surrounding with (0-9, 1 greatest smeller, 9 dullest nose, 0 divides by 0, causing a crash).