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XE142 comes from 020XE

Lab Notes

One of the probes captured some images of various things from 020XE that appear to be related to XE142. It looks like there are variant organisms that form some kind of symbiotic relationship with the XE142's we're familiar with. They were unable to procure a sample: it was much more hostile than the mostly docile XE142 we've come to know and love.

"We got a treasure trove of new specimens from XEDRA-40 today, from subplane designate 020XE. We dubbed the samples XE142. Due to proximity, we assumed they might share chemical properties with some of the specimens from 000XE, but so far they seem totally unrelated (which calls into question our naming conventions, but it's too late now). The new specimens seem to be made of recognizable cellular matter, and quite biologically sophisticated. Individuals, if XE142 can be said to have individuals, are amorphous, but complex: they form a firm outer gel coat, and ultrasound probing suggests that the XE142 matter inside coalesces into specialized internal organs. When XE142 samples combine, the organs and coat appear to reform to suit the new, larger organism.",

Well-meaning exploratory teams from XEDRA-40 brought us back what they thought was a relative of XE142, from adjacent subplane 021XE. It does not, in fact, seem to be related to me. Like XE142, XE157 is amorphous. There the similarities end: it is almost impervious to any attempts to sample it, regenerating rapidly from damage. It ate my scalpel, then stretched out a pod and ate my entire tool tray before splitting in two. We've isolated the specimens until we can figure out how to study them without driving tool budgets through the roof. On the bright side, they're surprisingly not all that hostile, even compared to XE142.",

See Also

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