Lab journal-Gustav

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1 Lab journal-Gustav

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ Lab journal-Gustav ]
Experimental - [ Lab journal-Gustav ]

Volume 2
Weight 2.000 gr



Bash -3
Cut 0
To-Hit 0
Flags none
Skill fabrication
Required Level 9
Required INT 13
Max Level 10
Fun -1
Read Time 45 min
Chapters 0
 This paper notebook is mostly full of boring logs, experimental observations and notes. Mixed in, however, are musings on how to use the lab's vapor deposition machine to deposit amorphous carbon in a diamond-like form onto common metals. The author's intended goal was a better non-stick frying pan, but you can think of a couple of better uses for it. 


  • This book used to contains crafting recipes to make various diamond coated weapons. As of 0.D (Danny), using the vapor deposition machine (which coats a weapon with a diamond film) no longer requires recipes, and this book no longer contains them. It is now an upgrade to weapons which sets the 'DIAMOND' flag on the weapon.