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Security Officer

Mandrake is a security officer who reanimates after death and becomes a test subject

Lab Notes

We got a bizarre report from the morgue; apparently Mandrake, the security officer who attacked CC-11, tried to climb back out of his drawer in the morgue. I was getting ready to defend myself, because I was damn sure he was dead. I'd had a good close look at his heart and lungs. Then they clarified it for me: when they got him out of the drawer, Mandrake was still dead. Just moving. We're looking into how CC-11 did this. Mandrake has been contained in a holding cell for further observation.

We've taken every sample I can think of from Mandrake - or rather, Mandrake's gruesome reanimated corpse - and hit nothing but dead ends. I don't think we're going to get any further. Some mooks from admin came and packaged him up for transport to XEDRA-12, and with the new siloed information I don't know if we'll get to find out what happened to him. We've been put under quarantine though, so that's fun. So much for going to the movies tomorrow night.

See Also

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