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Revision as of 21:03, 7 March 2013

So, child of civilization, how long you will stand without all these items?


  • 1 volume is about the size of fist, maybe a little smaller or larger.
  • 1 weight is around a quarter-pound (~100 g).
  • A weapon's speed is calculated from its volume and weight, according to the formula:
moves per attack = 65 + (4 x weapon's volume) + (2 x weapon's weight)

Item is considered two-handed if its weight in 4 times more that current character's strength. All non-pistol firearms are two-handed, irregardless of their other attributes.

Specialized item types

List of melee weapons

Generally all items can be used as weapon. That means you can beat a shit out of zombies with your left boot (through it is not easy), but these items mostly have no any other use.

Note that objects those do not fit in other categories (e.g. binoculars) and crafting materials (e.g. superglue) belong here too.

  • Green weight means that item is one-handed for a character with 8 strength.
1 paper wrapper 50 c_ltgray / paper MNULL 1 0 -8 0
25 syringe 8 c_ltcyan / plastic MNULL 1 0 -4 6
10 rag 72 c_dkgray / cotton MNULL 1 1 -10 0
10 fur pelt 0 c_brown / wool FLESH 1 1 -8 0
20 leather pelt 0 c_red / leather FLESH 1 1 -2 0
18 superglue 30 c_white / plastic MNULL 1 0 -2 0
600 science ID card 2 c_pink / plastic MNULL 0 0 -8 1
1200 military ID card 3 c_pink / plastic MNULL 0 0 -8 1
400 electrohack 3 c_green / plastic STEEL 2 2 5 0
5 string - 6 in 2 c_ltgray / cotton MNULL 0 0 -20 0
30 string - 3 ft 40 c_ltgray / cotton MNULL 1 0 -5 0
45 rope - 6 ft 4 c_yellow / wood MNULL 2 4 1 0
100 rope - 30 ft 35 c_yellow / wood MNULL 10 20 1 0
80 steel chain 20 c_cyan / steel MNULL 4 8 12 0
120 processor board 15 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 0 -3 0
90 RAM 22 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 0 -5 0
170 power converter 16 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 4 2 5 0
200 amplifier circuit 8 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 0 -5 0
240 transponder circuit 5 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 0 -5 0
135 signal receiver 10 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 0 -4 0
80 antenna 18 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 1 0 -6 0
10 chunk of steel 30 c_ltblue / steel MNULL 2 6 12 0
20 lump of steel 30 c_ltblue / steel MNULL 2 80 18 0
80 rubber hose 15 c_green / plastic MNULL 3 2 4 0
135 sheet of glass 5 c_ltcyan / glass MNULL 50 20 16 0
20 manhole cover 1 c_dkgray / iron MNULL 45 250 20 0
0 rock 40 c_ltgray / stone MNULL 1 3 12 0
0 heavy stick 95 c_brown / wood MNULL 6 10 12 0
24 broom 30 c_blue / plastic MNULL 10 8 6 0
28 mop 20 c_ltblue / plastic MNULL 11 12 5 0
65 screwdriver 40 c_ltcyan / iron PLASTIC 1 1 2 8
86 wrench 30 c_ltgray / iron MNULL 2 5 15 0
40 wood saw 15 c_cyan / iron WOOD 7 3 -6 1
65 hack saw 17 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 4 2 1 1
120 sledge hammer 6 c_brown / wood IRON 18 38 40 0
95 hatchet 10 c_ltgray / iron WOOD 6 7 12 12
105 wood ax 8 c_ltgray / wood IRON 17 15 24 18
80 nail board 5 c_ltred / wood MNULL 6 6 16 6
40 X-Acto knife 10 c_dkgray / iron PLASTIC 1 0 0 14
40 scalpel 48 c_cyan / steel MNULL 1 0 0 18
45 pot 25 c_ltgray / iron MNULL 8 6 9 0
50 frying pan 25 c_ltgray / iron MNULL 6 6 14 0
15 butter knife 90 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 1 2 2 1
25 steak knife 85 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 1 2 2 10
80 butcher knife 10 c_cyan / steel MNULL 3 6 4 18
100 combat knife 14 c_blue / steel PLASTIC 2 2 2 22
80 two by four 60 c_ltred / wood MNULL 6 6 14 0
30 muffler 30 c_ltgray / iron MNULL 20 20 19 0
75 pipe 20 c_dkgray / steel MNULL 4 10 13 0
160 baseball bat 60 c_ltred / wood MNULL 12 10 28 0
280 machete 5 c_blue / iron MNULL 8 14 6 28
980 katana 2 c_ltblue / steel MNULL 16 16 4 45
40 wood spear 5 c_ltred / wood MNULL 5 3 4 18
140 steel spear 5 c_ltred / wood STEEL 6 6 2 28
175 expandable baton 8 c_blue / steel MNULL 1 4 12 0
70 bee sting 5 c_dkgray / flesh MNULL 1 0 0 18
90 wasp sting 5 c_dkgray / flesh MNULL 1 0 0 22
15 chunk of chitin 10 c_red / flesh MNULL 1 0 1 0
400 biollante bud 1 c_magenta / veggy MNULL 1 0 -8 0
20 empty canister 5 c_ltgray / steel MNULL 1 1 2 0
3000 gold bar 10 c_yellow / steel MNULL 2 60 14 0
600 coal pallet 20 c_dkgray / stone MNULL 72 100 8 0
2000 petrified eye 1 c_dkgray / stone MNULL 2 8 10 0
200 spiral stone 20 c_pink / stone MNULL 1 3 14 0
980 rapier 3 c_ltblue / steel MNULL 6 9 5 28
160 walking cane 10 c_ltred / wood MNULL 8 7 10 0
300 binoculars 20 c_ltgray / plastic GLASS 2 3 6 0
100 USB drive 5 c_white / plastic MNULL 0 0 0 0
2000 awl pike 5 c_ltcyan / iron WOOD 14 18 8 50
1200 broadsword 30 c_cyan / iron MNULL 7 11 8 35
1000 mace 20 c_dkgray / iron WOOD 10 18 36 0
1200 morningstar 10 c_dkgray / iron WOOD 11 20 32 4
80 pool cue 4 c_red / wood MNULL 14 5 12 0
30 pool ball 40 c_blue / stone MNULL 1 3 12 0
100 candlestick 20 c_yellow / silver MNULL 1 5 12 0
35 steel frame 25 c_cyan / steel MNULL 60 240 20 0
50 wheel 15 c_dkgray / steel PLASTIC 10 80 8 0
80 large wheel 6 c_dkgray / steel PLASTIC 20 200 12 0
250 seat 8 c_red / plastic MNULL 30 80 4 0
400 vehicle controls 3 c_ltcyan / plastic STEEL 12 30 2 0
150 1L combustion engine 5 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 6 160 8 0
180 2.5L combustion engine 4 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 14 400 12 0
250 6L combustion engine 2 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 25 1100 15 0
120 electric motor 2 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 6 80 4 0
220 large electric motor 1 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 15 650 9 0
900 plasma engine 1 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 12 350 7 0
40 metal tank 10 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 18 25 3 0
80 storage battery 6 c_ltcyan / iron MNULL 8 220 6 0
900 minireactor 1 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 6 250 11 0
900 solar panel 3 c_yellow / glass MNULL 12 4 1 0
120 steel plating 30 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 12 600 6 0
185 superalloy plating 10 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 12 350 6 0
185 spiked plating 15 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 14 600 6 3
160 hard plating 30 c_ltcyan / steel MNULL 12 1800 6 0
0 adamantite claws 0 c_pink / steel MNULL 2 0 8 16