PRM Faction: Wildlife

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PRM Faction: Wildlife

Wildlife in the game is not any one unified faction, but rather the collection of unaligned creatures that comprise the natural life on the planet. While it may be extended to include other non or semi-sentient creatures, it is uses here to refer to creatures of terrestrial origin.

Wildlife in the core game is a source of food and early game conflict. Though gone are the days when moose and bears ran around cities killing hordes of zombies and the player, a special spot still exists for these creatures. Most wildlife is unarmored and have a relatively low attack compared to invaders and (n)pcs, and when coupled with their skittish nature makes them weak combatants. Many eventually go extinct if the game is splayed long enough, and several have zombie versions in the core game.

In the PRM mod, wildlife also have fungal analogues. Their base attacks have been improved with either effects, special attacks, or damage buffs. Some wildlife have the distinction of having rare stabbing damage. Wildlife in PRM don't quite have the umpf to pose a threat to endgame characters (though some may 'mutate' into something much more dangerous), but they do pack more of a wallop to challenge players.

Wildlife in the game serves as a food source and as a way to train skills. Wildlife provides hope for a state of normalcy one day, and provide raw materials to a society that suddenly finds itself lacking any real industry.

PRM Faction: Mutants

Mutants, or terrestrial creatures with a gross change in physiology, are hybrids between natural and unnatural life. Some changes are entirely aesthetic, such as cat ears on a person, while others are eldritch in nature, such as twitching bodies or slug men or jabberwocks. Mutants are technically wildlife for the most part; and most mutants have terrestrial antecessors. The line between wildlife and mutant is drawn at how plausible its presence in the real world would be. Mutants are a faction separate from wildlife, and may be hunted down while their more natural cousins are not.

Most mutants are adapted to living in especially toxic or harsh environments, and as such are at the least resistant to chemicals or better armored or possessing new attacks. They range from the small, extra limbed scythed coyote to the abhorrent sludge crawler; from almost possible in the real world to grossly alien.


Being unaligned, mostly nonsentient monsters, mutants and wildlife share the least amount of similarity of all the groupings of the game. most exist to provide a minor threat, ambiance, meat, or simply to die at the hands of other creatures; thus showcasing their own prowess.

Some are wholly hostile to the player, several are hostile to all life, and some are completely passive in nature, even under direct attack. These creatures add flavor to the game, and serve to make the world outside the cities and reach of the fungus and triffids come alive.

 Perhaps the largest untapped potential in current CDDA is the variety of creatures in the game.


Most creatures that fall under the category of do not evlove in the sense conventional to the game; instead, under the mod, they evolve into a fan of creatures to simulate the furthering corruption of the world.

 -"Coyote" -->  "Dwarf Coyote"
 -"Brown Coyote" -->  "Scythed Coyote"
 -"Jabberwock" -->  "Jabberwock" [Upgraded]

Monster Summary


Variant Speed Damage Health Dodge Aggression Morale Physical Armor Special Armor Special Attacks Angered By Fear Of
Mannequin 100 80 Poor Moderate Average Low High acid Grab

The mannequin is a hallucination. It exists in your dreams and nightmares, clinging to the irrationality of the human soul.


Variant Speed Damage Health Dodge Aggression Morale Physical Armor Special Armor Special Attacks Angered By Fear Of
Black Rat 100 2d2 bash, 1 cut 8 Competent Low Abysmal Low cut Bite Target Hurt, Hurt, Faction Attacked, Faction Died Target Close
Sewer Rat 100 1d2 bash, 2 cut 8 Poor Low Suspect Unhealth Target Hurt, Faction Attacked, Faction Died
Rat King 40 1d3 bash, 1 cut 220 Zero None Average Low bash Unhealth, Ratkeeng, Spawn Rat Hurt, Faction Attacked, Faction Died, Stalk Target Close

Rats are rodents in the post-apocalypse. Rats typically falls into a few broad categories; the clean and the unclean. Clean black rats wander the surface of the world and, while still of dubious cleanliness, do not wallow in filth and will hunt as any surface scavenger will. Sewer rats, or those that hide in the dark places of the world, are unclean monsters that will swarm over a target, causing disease-ridden wounds and lowering health.

Rat King is a minor boss monster, a clump of rodents that represent a hive-mind mutation in progress. Capable of cursing its target, rat king is a threat to unprepared early game survivors.

Large Mammals

Variant Speed Damage Health Dodge Aggression Morale Physical Armor Special Armor Special Attacks Angered By Fear Of
Horse 210 2d8 bash, 10 stab 110 Poor Passive Suspect Low Low acid Faction Died,. Faction Attacked Sound, Target Hurt (placate)
Bear 140 2d8 +8 bash, 8 cut 160 Competent Passive Below Average Low Bite Hurt, Target Close Sound, Meat (placate)
Cougar 170 2d4 bash, 8 cut 70 Skilled Passive Suspect Low Leap 5tiles, Lunge Hurt, Stalk, Target Weak, Close, Faction Attacked Sound, Meat (placate)
Moose 200 3d6 bash, 3 cut 170 Poor Passive Below Average Low Low acid Smash Hurt, Close, Fire, Faction Attacked Target Hurt

Large mammals, those considered 'large; by the game (cow-battletank sized) are the various surviving wildlife of the world. Most are primary prey for the invaders in some fashion. The player hunts them for their meat, the fungus seeks to infect them, the triffids invade their habitat and the blob relentlessly seeks to convert them in death.

Most are capable of killing an unskilled or underarmed survivor, but by midgame they are relatively easy to handle. Some, such as the horse, are known for their ability to cause grievous amounts of pain and damage before fleeing. Cougars are known for their ability in previous games to dodge around players and harry them to death.

 Most wildlife will go extinct in PRM, should the world become old enough, replaced by zombified versions or mutations.  Or not at all.


Variant Speed Damage Health Dodge Aggression Morale Physical Armor Special Armor Special Attacks Angered By Fear Of
Dog 170 2d3 bash, 3 cut 35 Competent Low Abysmal Hurt, Faction Attacked, Faction Died, Target Weak Sound (placate), Meat (placate)
Wolf 165 2d2 bash, 5 cut, 3 stab 55 Competent Passive Suspect Low bash Bite Hurt, Target Close, Faction Died, Target Hurt, Fire Faction Attacked (placate), Meat (placate)
Coyote 155 2d3 bash, 2 cut 28 Skilled None Abysmal Low bash Leap, Lunge Hurt, Close, Target Hurt, Faction Attacked, Stalk Meat (placate)
Brown Coyote 155 2d3 bash, 2cut 25 Competent None Abysmal Low bash Faction Attacked, target Weak, Close Meat (placate)
Dwarf Coyote 150 1d3 bash, 4 cut, 3 stab 22 Skilled None Suspect Low bash Grab, Bite Faction Attacked, Target Hurt, Meat, Fire Hurt, Close, Faction Died
Scythed Coyote 145 2d4 bash, 12 cut 45 Skilled None Abysmal Low Longswipe, Impale, Leap 3tile Faction Attacked, Target Hurt, Close Hurt, Faction Died

Canines are coyotes and wolves and feral dogs who survived the fall of man. Most have had to adapt quickly to the new world, and many are on their way to the extinction list as the game progresses in very late game.

 The dwarf and scythed coyote are mutations of the original coyotes, and are not a real challenge for a survivor by the time they are encountered.

PRM Wiki Page Table

Type --- --- --- --- --- ---
Factions Ants Doom Fungus Insects Triffids Wildlife and Mutants Zombies
Statdump PRM Radiation PRM the Conglomerate Spawn Lists Evolution/Upgrade Trees Faction Balance
Locations Trapdoor Pits Bumblebee Hives Doom Structures
Items PRM Marine Armor Medicine PRM: Miscellaneous Items Recipes