Hidden stats

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Stats that are as important as the default ones but are hidden for gameplay reasons.

The exact values aren't usually shown to the player, but their global effects on the character are displayed when needed (Thirsty, Tired, etc).


Default value: false

Whether or not the character is diving.

Dodges left

Default value: 1

Blocks left

Default value: 1

Power level

Default value: 0

Max power level

Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0


Default value: 0

Driving recoil

Default value: 0


Default value: 500


Default value: 0

Determines the chances of a player's character to get a common disease.

You can increase this value by consuming items that increase health, such as vitamins, Nyquil and Dayquil.

This value will increase and decrease by one point randomly each turn, although it tends to regulate itself towards zero.

If a character doesn't have the flu nor the common cold there's a small chance that he will acquire them. This chance can be lowered with the disease resistant trait, or completely negated with the disease immune mutation.


Default value: 100

Moves, or movement points, or speed, determines the distance a creature can move in a given turn.

Each tile is composed by a given terrain type, which has a movement cost associated with it. Moving through it will cost as may movement points as the specified movement cost.


Spd 100

The speed will be green if above 100 and red if below that.


This value is calculated each turn, where the following bonus and penalties are applied:

  • Weight: when the weight carried is 25% higher than the weight capacity
  • Pain: when pain is higher than the potence of the consumed painkillers. This penalty is more sever if the difference is higher than 60
  • Painkillers: when the potence of the consumed painkillers is 10 or higher than the pain. More severe if it's higher than 30.
  • Morale: when morale bonus (morale level / 25) is below -10
  • Radiation: when radiation is 20 or higher. 40 or higher increases the penalty further
  • Thirst: when thirst is above 40
  • Hunger: when hunger is above 100
  • Sunlight dependant mutation: penalties relative to the current light level when not under sunlight
  • Cold blood mutation: when temperature is below 60F
  • Speed down artifact: 20 penalty points
  • Morale: when morale is higher than 100 there will be a bonus that can't be higher than 10.
  • Stimulants: Based on the potence of all stimulants taken. It can't be higher than 40.
  • Quick trait: gives a 10% bonus
  • Speed up artifact: 20 bonus points

Some diseases and status effects can also affect this value (usually negatively).

Movement points can't be below 25 in any case.


Default value: 0

Active mission

Default value: -1

In vehicle

Default value: false

Style selected

Default value: "null"

XP pool

Default value: 0 | Max value: 800

Last item

Default value: itype_id("null")


Default value: 100

See moves.