0.7 (Lindqvist)
0.7 (Lindqvist) is a version of Cataclysm that was released on 2013 July 19.
Change Log
- Use ncursesw and gettext for i18n support and expanded character palette.
- Configurable Autopickup feature.
- Configurable item spawning lists, now with more configurable spawn frequencies.
- Probability Travel Bionic (walk through walls!)
- Railgun Bionic (throw metal items at the speed of electricity!)
- Flashbang bionic.
- Shockwave Generator bionic.
- Chain Lightning bionic.
- Artificial Night bionic.
- Streamlined lumberjacking tasks.
- Splints are now craftable and (slowly!) heal broken limbs.
- Recover CBMs from butchered player corpses
- Small game arrow.
- Spoiled (rotten) items will now be removed from the map after twice the time it takes to spoil.
- Lit torches set enemies on fire.
- Toggled Metabolic Interchange bionic, active power sources.
- Changed Optimist to be more thematic and balanced.
- Morale effects have more flexible durations.
- Extensively reworked fire handling, e.g. campfires should last a more reasonable duration.
- Preserve martial art style selection across wielding/unwielding weapons.
- Simulate alt+number input for SDL version.
- Quicksave command.
- Added basic sludge crawler monster
- More crafting recipes.
- Stash knives in your boots.
- Folding bicycle you can stash in a trunk.
- New improvised guns.
- More survival-ish foods.
- Added some more heavy pistols and ammunition.
- New improvised picklock!
- Flotation vest.
- Added wine and a new shirt.
- Towels.
- Fuzzy time display, and precise time with wrist watch item.
- Multiple gates near one handle work correctly.
- Made wild Jabberwocks much more rare.
- Fix turrets shuffing around when off map.
- Prevent gibbing from low-damage sources.
- House generation fixes.
- Allow deconstruction of refrigerators.
- More consistent road placement.
- Make mongroups die properly, even if the queen dies at a distance
- Monsters killed by wide attacks drop corpses/loot
- Fix solar panel power production on vehicles.
- Cleanup tire changing activity.
- Fix stunlock caused by counterattacks.
- Keep Jabberwocks from spawning in classic mode.
- Fix turret drops.
- Extensive text handling fixes.
- Menu beautification.
- Allow saving while in a vehicle.
- Fix div0 on bad option setting.