Zombie hulk/doc

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Zombies may evolve, many of the later evolutions are extremely deadly, even there, the Hulk is the deadliest zombie in all of the game, it can be seen even when the player begins the game. But will become mre common as all the zombies evolve, this is why you always train your combat skills and kill as many zombies as you can before this happens and bring heavy artillery to later cities you encounter...

This monster will easily splatter weaker characters and even stronger characters will still have trouble. A powerful firearm or a fast and heavy vehicle can help, as can good melee skills. Despite its bulk, it can still be stunned and knocked back just fine. A tazer can very easily stun the Hulk, leaving it vulnerable to quite a few uninterrupted gunshots, this is one of the Hulk's greatest weaknesses

Can smash you away. Take stimulating meds to keep your speed and dexterity high to prevent high damage from being smashed. Never stand between a hulk and a strong obstacle, as getting smashed into obstacles hurts way more than just being smashed away. Smash takes a while (20 turns) to recharge and costs 400 move points.

Hulks will attack monsters in its way. This is mostly a gimmick, as hulk's regular attack is weaker, slower and less accurate than survivor's fists at this point in game and the hulk will only smash the player.

Avoiding contact

If you have located it before it locates you, you can also try to lure it into traps (particularly spiked pits) or a raging fire. As a zombie, it will fall into every single pit it encounters, no matter how obvious it is. The Hulk is significantly faster than a sober survivor and will destroy terrain in its path, so retreat can be tricky. Vehicles make great obstacles as hulks haven't (yet) learned how to fling them like L4D Tanks do.

Killing in melee

With high enough melee skills, you don't even need dexterity or dodging not to get hit. In order to strike first, you want to stand 2 tiles from the hulk and use the wait command. Wait command makes you wait exactly till the start of the next turn and hulk can move at most 2 tiles in a turn. Due to the way move points accumulate, stepping away at lower (than hulk's) speed isn't as reliable as waiting. Using a fast and accurate weapon (possibly just fists) combined with Power Hit technique (from Brawling martial art, unlocked at lvl 5 unarmed, but works with weapons) will make it much more likely you'll stun and knock back the hulk, preventing it from ever taking a move while standing next to you.