Terrain types

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Each tile in the game world has a terrain type associated to it, which determines the movement cost to traverse it, if it can be moved through at all, if you can place items on it, etc.

In 0.B (Brin) of the game one notable change was introduced: the "bashable" tag is out, all destructible tiles can be bashed down now. Player's bashing ability is a sum of strength and wielded weapon's bashing damage.

Some of the furniture terrain types like book cases or dressers can hold more than a normal floor tile,up to double the normal volume (normal is 4000).

There is a difference between a terrain type, and furniture, sadly at the moment this list combines both. Furniture can be built on certain terrain types. Several types of furniture, like lockers, can be shift + Grabbed, if you are strong enough. You can also do this with Vehicles.

List of terrain types

Warning, this list is not complete.

Name MC Trap Flags Action
  nothing 100 transparent diggable
  empty space 100 tr_ledge transparent
. dirt 100 transparent diggable tentable
. sand 100 transparent diggable tentable
# mound of dirt 150 transparent diggable
0 shallow pit 400 transparent diggable
0 pit 500 tr_pit transparent diggable pit
# corpse filled pit 250 transparent diggable
0 spiked pit 500 tr_spike_pit transparent diggable pit_spiked
# covered spiked pit 100 transparent pit_spiked_covered
. rock floor 100 transparent indoors
^ pile of rubble 200 transparent rough diggable rubble
# pile of ash 100 transparent diggable rubble
# twisted metal 250 transparent rough sharp place_item wreckage
# metal wreckage 250 transparent rough sharp place_item wreckage
. grass 100 transparent diggable tentable
. metal floor 100 transparent indoors
. pavement 100 transparent
. yellow pavement 100 transparent
. sidewalk 100 transparent
. floor 100 transparent l_flammable supports_roof collapses indoors
. dirt floor 100 transparent diggable supports_roof collapses indoors
# hay 250 transparent container flammable2 collapses indoors
# metal grate 100 transparent
~ slime (terrain) 300 transparent container flammable2 place_item
# walkway 100 transparent
# canvas wall 0 l_flammable bashable noitem tentable
+ canvas flap 0 l_flammable bashable noitem tentable
. open canvas flap 0 transparent
; groundsheet 0 transparent tentable indoors tent
; groundsheet 0 transparent indoors
# animalskin wall 0 l_flammable bashable noitem tentable
+ animalskin flap 0 l_flammable bashable noitem tentable
. animalskin flap 100 transparent
; animalskin floor 100 transparent tentable shelter
. floor 100 transparent l_flammable supports_roof collapses
. floor 100 transparent l_flammable supports_roof collapses indoors
. floor 100 transparent l_flammable supports_roof collapses indoors
# half-built wall 200 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem
# log wall 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
# chipped log wall 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
& broken log wall 0 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem supports_roof
# palisade wall 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof transparent
+ palisade gate 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof door transparent
# half-built wall 200 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem
# wooden wall 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
# chipped wood wall 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
& broken wood wall 0 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem supports_roof
wall 0 flammable noitem supports_roof
wall 0 flammable noitem supports_roof
concrete wall 0 noitem supports_roof
concrete wall 0 noitem supports_roof
metal wall 0 noitem noitem supports_roof
metal wall 0 noitem noitem supports_roof
glass wall 0 transparent bashable noitem supports_roof
glass wall 0 transparent bashable noitem supports_roof
glass wall 0 transparent bashable alarmed noitem supports_roof
glass wall 0 transparent bashable alarmed noitem supports_roof
reinforced glass 0 transparent bashable noitem supports_roof
reinforced glass 0 transparent bashable noitem supports_roof
" metal bars 0 transparent noitem
+ closed wood door 0 bashable flammable2 door noitem supports_roof
& damaged wood door 0 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem supports_roof
\ open wood door 100 flammable2 transparent supports_roof
+ closed wood door 0 bashable flammable2 noitem supports_roof
+ closed wood door 0 bashable flammable2 alarmed noitem noitem supports_roof
. empty door frame 100 transparent supports_roof
+ locked wire gate 0 transparent supports_roof
+ closed wooden gate 0 transparent supports_roof bashable flammable2
. open wooden gate 100 transparent supports_roof bashable flammable2
+ closed wire gate 0 transparent supports_roof
. open wire gate 100 transparent supports_roof
# boarded up door 0 bashable flammable2 noitem supports_roof
+ closed metal door 0 noitem supports_roof
+ closed glass door 0 transparent bashable door noitem supports_roof
\ open glass door 100 transparent supports_roof
6 bulletin board 0 bashable flammable noitem deconstruct
& makeshift portcullis 0 noitem
& steel compactor 0 transparent recycler
" window 0 transparent bashable flammable noitem supports_roof deconstruct
" taped window 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof reduce_scent
" window 0 transparent bashable flammable noitem supports_roof deconstruct
" taped window 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof reduce_scent
\ open window 200 transparent flammable noitem supports_roof
" closed curtains 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
" window 0 transparent bashable flammable alarmed noitem supports_roof
" taped window 0 bashable flammable alarmed noitem supports_roof reduce_scent
0 empty window 400 transparent flammable supports_roof
0 window frame 400 transparent sharp flammable noitem
# boarded up window 0 bashable flammable noitem supports_roof
# solid rock 0 noitem supports_roof
# odd fault 0 noitem supports_roof fault
# paper wall 0 bashable flammable2 noitem
7 tree 0 flammable2 noitem supports_roof
1 young tree 200 transparent bashable flammable2 noitem
7 apple tree 0 flammable2 noitem supports_roof tree_apple
# underbrush 300 transparent bashable diggable container flammable2 thin_obstacle place_item shrub_wildveggies
# shrub 400 transparent bashable container flammable2 thin_obstacle place_item
# blueberry bush 400 transparent bashable container flammable2 thin_obstacle shrub_blueberry
1 tree trunk 200 transparent flammable2 diggable
# root wall 0 noitem supports_roof
# wax wall 0 flammable2 noitem supports_roof place_item
. wax floor 100 transparent l_flammable indoors
| picket fence 150 bashable transparent diggable flammable2 noitem thin_obstacle
- picket fence 150 bashable transparent diggable flammable2 noitem thin_obstacle
# metal post 100 transparent thin_obstacle fence_post
# fence post 100 transparent thin_obstacle fence_post
$ wire fence 200 transparent thin_obstacle remove_fence_wire
$ barbed wire fence 200 transparent sharp thin_obstacle remove_fence_barbed
$ rope fence 150 transparent thin_obstacle remove_fence_rope
| railing 150 transparent noitem thin_obstacle
- railing 150 transparent noitem thin_obstacle
1 marloss bush 0 transparent bashable flammable2
# fungal bed 150 transparent flammable2 diggable
7 fungal tree 0 flammable2 noitem
~ shallow water 250 transparent liquid swimmable
~ deep water 0 transparent liquid swimmable
~ sewage 300 transparent swimmable
~ lava 200 transparent liquid
# bed (construction) 250 transparent container flammable2 collapses deconstruct place_item indoors
& toilet 200 transparent bashable l_flammable collapses indoors
# makeshift bed 250 transparent bashable flammable2 collapses deconstruct indoors
& sink 200 transparent bashable l_flammable collapses container place_item indoors
# oven 200 transparent bashable l_flammable collapses container place_item indoors
# wood stove 200 transparent container fire_container suppress_smoke place_item indoors
# fireplace 200 transparent container fire_container suppress_smoke place_item indoors
~ bathtub 200 transparent bashable l_flammable collapses container place_item indoors
# chair 100 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct indoors
H arm chair 150 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct indoors
H sofa 150 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct indoors
# cupboard 150 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct container place_item indoors
& trash can 150 transparent flammable2 collapses container place_item indoors
# desk 150 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct container place_item indoors
# sandbox 150 transparent deconstruct
# slide 200 transparent deconstruct
# monkey bars 200 transparent deconstruct
7 backboard 0 transparent deconstruct
# bench 150 transparent flammable2 collapses deconstruct
# table 200 transparent flammable collapses deconstruct indoors
# pool table 200 transparent flammable collapses deconstruct indoors
& gasoline pump 0 transparent explodes noitem
& smashed gas pump 0 transparent noitem
& out-of-order gasoline pump 0 transparent noitem
# missile 0 explodes noitem
# blown-out missile 0 noitem
# counter 200 transparent flammable collapses deconstruct indoors
& radio tower 0 noitem
6 radio controls 0 transparent bashable noitem
6 broken console 0 transparent noitem collapses indoors
6 computer console 0 transparent console noitem collapses indoors
6 mechanical winch 0 transparent noitem collapses controls_gate
| rope and pulley 0 transparent noitem collapses controls_gate
1 sewage pipe 0 transparent
& sewage pump 0 noitem
{ centrifuge 0 transparent
1 column 0 flammable
{ refrigerator 0 container collapses bashable place_item indoors
{ glass door fridge 0 collapses bashable place_item indoors
{ dresser 0 transparent container flammable collapses bashable deconstruct place_item indoors
{ locker 0 container collapses bashable place_item indoors
{ display rack 0 transparent l_flammable collapses bashable deconstruct place_item indoors
{ book case 0 flammable collapses bashable deconstruct place_item indoors
{ dumpster 0 container bashable place_item
0 cloning vat 0 transparent bashable sealed place_item
X crate 0 transparent bashable container sealed flammable deconstruct place_item
> stairs down 100 transparent goes_down place_item
< stairs up 100 transparent goes_up place_item
> manhole 100 transparent goes_down place_item
< ladder 100 transparent goes_up place_item
> ladder 100 transparent goes_down place_item
> downward slope 100 transparent goes_down place_item
< upward slope 100 transparent goes_up place_item
< rope leading up 100 transparent goes_up
0 manhole cover 100 transparent
6 card reader 0 noitem cardreader
6 card reader 0 noitem cardreader
6 broken card reader 0 noitem
6 slot machine 0 bashable noitem indoors slot_machine
6 elevator controls 0 noitem elevator
6 powerless controls 0 noitem
. elevator 100
& dark pedestal 0 transparent pedestal_wyrm
& light pedestal 0 transparent pedestal_temple
# red stone 0
# green stone 0
# blue stone 0
. red floor 100 transparent
. green floor 100 transparent
. blue floor 100 transparent
6 yellow switch 100 transparent fswitch
6 cyan switch 100 transparent fswitch
6 purple switch 100 transparent fswitch
6 checkered switch 100 transparent fswitch
f mutated poppy flower 150 transparent flower_poppy
P sign 150 transparent flammable2 organic mountable sign


  • transparent - Player & monsters can see through/past it
  • diggable - Digging monsters, seeding monsters, digging w/ shovel, etc.
  • tentable - You can place a tent or shelter kit here
  • indoors - Has a roof over it, therefore blocks rain, sunlight, etc
  • rough - May hurt the player's feet
  • sharp - May do minor damage to players/monsters passing it
  • place_item - Valid terrain to put items on
  • l_flammable - Harder to light on fire, but still possible
  • supports_roof - Used as a boundary for roof construction. Can also knock down adjacent supports_roof and collapses tiles when destroyed
  • collapses - Tiles that have a roof over them (which can collapse)
  • container - Items on this square are hidden until looted by the player
  • flammable2 - Burn to ash rather than rubble.
  • bashable - Player & monsters can bash this & make it the next in the list
  • noitem - Items "fall off" this space
  • flammable - May be lit on fire
  • door - Can be opened--used for NPC pathfinding.
  • alarmed - Sets off an alarm if smashed
  • deconstruct - It can be deconstructed
  • reduce_scent - Reduces the scent leaked outside even further
  • thin_obstacle - Vehicles with low mass can crash against this terrain
  • liquid - Blocks movement but isn't a wall, e.g. lava or water
  • swimmable - You (and monsters) swim here
  • fire_container - Fires placed here won't spread to other tiles
  • suppress_smoke - Fires placed here won't emit smoke
  • explodes - Explodes when on fire
  • console - It's a computer
  • sealed - Can't 'e' to retrieve items here
  • goes_down - Can be used to go down one Z level
  • goes_up - Can be used to go up one Z level