Hypovolemic shock

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Hypovolemic shock is a status effect usually caused by uncontrolled bleeding.

"You have lost alot of blood, and your condition worsens."

It has 4 stages of worsening condition.

  • Mild Hypovolemic Shock, which is more of a warning for the more severe effects ahead. "You've lost some blood and look somewhat pale."
  • Moderate Hypovolemic Shock, which is the first to incur a penalty. "You've lost a large amount of blood, and you're not feeling well."
    • -1 to every stat, and -10 speed
  • Advanced Hypovolemic Shock, which increases the penalties. "You've lost an awful lot of blood, and your condition is severe. Seek medical attention."
    • -2 to every stat, and -20 speed
  • Severe Hypovolemic Shock, which increases the penalties to a worse level. "You've lost tremendous amount of blood, and you're standing on death's door. Transfusion might save you.
    • -3 to every stat, and -30 speed

Other than the obvious downsides of stat loss, and the damage taken from bleeding, later stages can wind you, make you fall asleep, and knock you to the ground(?), and can ultimately kill you due to the strain put on the heart. "Your heart can't keep up the pace and fails!"