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Black widow spiderTrapdoor spider
Name HP Spec Size Mat Spd MS Dmg DS BP CP SA M A Flags
s giant black widow 60 spiderdog sized iflesh 90 6 1d6 bash + 2 cut 2 2 4 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, BADVENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
c giant black widow spiderling 30 spiderdog sized iflesh 90 4 1d3 bash + 2 cut 1 2 4 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant cellar spider 45 spiderdog sized iflesh 150 6 1d8 bash + 4 cut 7 1 2 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS, HARDTOSHOOT, PUSH_MON
s giant jumping spider 30 spiderdog sized iflesh 100 5 1d1 bash + 4 cut 8 0 3 leap 80 -20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant trapdoor spider 70 spiderhuman sized iflesh 110 6 1d1 bash + 8 cut 2 4 8 100 60 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, GRABS, CAN_DIG, WEBWALK, CHITIN, FAT, CLIMBS
s giant web spider 40 spiderhuman sized iflesh 110 4 1d6 bash + 6 cut 2 2 6 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant wolf spider 40 spiderhuman sized iflesh 150 5 1d8 bash + 8 cut 4 4 8 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, CHITIN, FAT, CLIMBS
c immature giant cellar spider 23 spidersquirrel sized iflesh 150 5 1d3 bash + 2 cut 6 1 2 100 -10 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, WEBWALK, CHITIN, CLIMBS, HARDTOSHOOT
c immature giant web spider 20 spiderdog sized iflesh 40 1 1d3 bash + 6 cut 1 2 6 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, WEBWALK, STUMBLES, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant jumping spider 30 spiderdog sized iflesh 100 5 1d1 bash + 4 cut 8 0 3 leap 80 -20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, HIT_AND_RUN, CHITIN, CLIMBS
s giant wolf spider 40 spiderhuman sized iflesh 150 5 1d8 bash + 8 cut 4 4 8 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, HEARS, VENOM, CHITIN, FAT, CLIMBS

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