Immature giant web spider

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c immature giant web spider

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ immature giant web spider ]
Experimental - [ immature giant web spider ]

Hit Points 20
Species spider
Default Faction spider_web
Size dog sized
Weight 40.75 kg
Material insect flesh
Phase iflesh
Speed 40
Melee Sk 1
Damage 1d3 bash + 6 cut
Dodge Sk 1
Bash Armor 2
Cut Armor 6
Aggressiveness 20
Morale 100
Difficulty 7
Vision 5
Night Vision 5
 A still immature giant grass spider. Too young to be venomous, or to walk proficiently for that matter 

This creature is a dog sized spider. It's an incompetent fighter with very low hit points. It's extremely slow, quite clumsy, has low armor against bashing weapons and moderate armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets).

It has extremely high morale and it's quite aggressive. Being a spider, it's afraid of being hurt, nearby fires, and can be angered by nearby monsters of the same type dying.

It can see, is able to smell characters, can hear noises, is not affected by nor destroys cobwebs, stumbles around, can produce chitin when butchered, can climb terrain and furniture, and nothing else.

Being made of insect flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, nothing unusual happens.

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