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WARNING: This page may contain spoilers and ruin the joy of adventure.
Remember, it is not 'dying' it is 'learning how to do better next time'!

Angry headless plant-like creatures. They only want to grow and expand their territory... and kill anything that gets in their way. All of these creatures are related to the threat the survivors have called the triffids. A reference to an old science fiction book and television series.

Name HP Spec Size Mat Spd MS Dmg DS BP CP SA M A Flags
F biollante 120 plantcow sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 0 0 spit_sap 100 100 NOHEAD, IMMOBILE
F biollante sprig 20 plantdog sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 0 0 spit_sap 100 100 NOHEAD, IMMOBILE
F biollante sprout 60 planthuman sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 0 0 spit_sap 100 100 NOHEAD, IMMOBILE
V creeper hub 100 planthuman sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 8 0 grow_vine 100 100 NOHEAD, IMMOBILE
v creeper vine 2 plantsquirrel sized veggy 75 0  bash + 0 cut 0 2 0 vine 100 100 NOHEAD, HARDTOSHOOT, PLASTIC, IMMOBILE
F fungal fighter 60 plantdog sized veggy 50 6 1d6 bash + 4 cut 0 4 6 para_sting 10 10 HEARS, SMELLS, NOHEAD, CAN_DIG
F triffid 80 planthuman sized veggy 70 5 2d4 bash + 6 cut 0 10 4 100 20 SEES, SMELLS, BASHES, GROUP_BASH, NOHEAD, PARALYZEVENOM
T triffid heart 500 planttank sized veggy 100 0  bash + 0 cut 0 12 16 triffid_heartbeat 100 100 NOHEAD, IMMOBILE, QUEEN
F triffid queen 280 plantcow sized veggy 40 7 2d8 bash + 8 cut 0 12 8 growplants 200 100 HEARS, SMELLS, BASHES, NOHEAD, PARALYZEVENOM
1 triffid sprig 3 plantsquirrel sized veggy 50 1 1d1 bash + 1 cut 0 0 0 -8 -99 HEARS, SMELLS, NOHEAD, STUMBLES
1 triffid sprout 40 plantdog sized veggy 50 3 1d4 bash + 4 cut 0 0 0 triffid_growth 10 0 HEARS, SMELLS, NOHEAD, PARALYZEVENOM
V vine beast 100 plantcow sized veggy 100 8 2d10 bash + 0 cut 4 18 0 40 60 HEARS, GOODHEARING, NOHEAD, HARDTOSHOOT, GRABS, SWIMS, PLASTIC