Giant salmon

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S giant salmon

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ giant salmon ]
Experimental - [ giant salmon ]

Hit Points 180
Species fish
Default Faction salmon
Size human sized
Weight 81.50 kg
Material flesh
Phase flesh
Speed 150
Melee Sk 4
Damage 2d6 bash + 2 cut
Dodge Sk 5
Bash Armor 0
Cut Armor 0
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 105
Difficulty 20
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 A mutated salmon, the same size as a large dog and quite dangerous to the inexperienced angler. 

This creature is a human sized fish. It's a competent fighter with very high hit points. It's faster than you, very agile, has no armor against bashing weapons and no armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets).

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a fish, it's afraid of being hurt, nearby monsters of the same type being attacked, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can see, can hear noises, is able to smell characters, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), can swim, can only move in deep water or sewage, can produce bones and sinews when butchered, can produce fat when butchered, and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, nothing unusual happens.

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More dangerous than it looks, if you encounter it, make sure you have decent melee or firearm skills. It may be more interested in staying on the shore trying to attack you rather than swimming away scared. But if it attacks it is fast and deadly. Luckily, it cannot leave it’s water habitat, so shooting it while it is trying fruitlessly to reach you while stuck on the river bank is recommended.

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