Dog (nether)

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d dog

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ dog ]
Experimental - [ dog ]

Hit Points 25
Species nether inhabitant
Default Faction mutant
Size dog sized
Weight 40.75 kg
Material flesh
Phase flesh
Speed 150
Melee Sk 6
Damage 2d3 bash + 3 cut
Dodge Sk 3
Bash Armor 0
Cut Armor 0
SA Cooldown 40 turns
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 100
Difficulty 5
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 A domesticated mongrel of the canine persuasion. In the absence of human society, it has turned feral. You feel a sudden urge to destroy it. 

This creature is a dog sized nether inhabitant. It's a competent fighter with very low hit points. It's faster than you, agile, has no armor against bashing weapons and no armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to transform itself into a tentacle dog, every 40 turns.

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a nether inhabitant, it's afraid of being hurt, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can see, is able to smell characters, can hear noises, is considered an animal (it's affected by animal empathy), walks around some dangerous terrain and traps, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), can produce fur when butchered, and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, it revives as a thing.

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

  • Grab an axe, it is not dead. Is really the thing in disguise.
  • Worried a dog is actually the thing? Check the description, they differ. There is also no generic dog name anymore, all normal dogs are now of specific breeds.
  • Will transform into the tentacle dog when in melee range, or when killed.
  • Reference to the movie the thing.
( Edit Notes )