Zombie dog

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d zombie dog

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ zombie dog ]
Experimental - [ zombie dog ]

Hit Points 36
Species zombie
Default Faction zombie
Size dog sized
Weight 40.75 kg
Material flesh
Phase flesh
Speed 105
Melee Sk 4
Damage 1d6 bash + 2 cut
Dodge Sk 1
Bash Armor 0
Cut Armor 0
Special Ab bite
SA Cooldown 5 turns
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 100
Difficulty 2
Vision 40
Night Vision 4
 The deformed, animated corpse of a canine, a sinewy beast which can easily outpace its two-legged friends. 

This creature is a dog sized zombie. It's a competent fighter with low hit points. It's a bit faster than you, quite clumsy, has no armor against bashing weapons and no armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to bite you, and sometimes bite you nastily, every 5 turns.

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a zombie, it's afraid of nothing in particular, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can see, can hear noises, is able to smell characters, stumbles around, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), can bash destroyable objects in its way (like doors), is poisonous to eat (produces tainted meat when butchered), doesn't breathe (it's not affected by smoke, toxic gases, drowning, etc), resuscitates after a few hours (unless its corpse is either smashed to a pulp or butchered), can produce fur when butchered, can produce bones and sinews when butchered, and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, nothing unusual happens.

(View - Edit Notes )Notes

Good at catching non-zombie humans, such as the player, and forcing them into battle. Without a terrain or vehicle advantage, the zombie dog will catch up to you.

Upon seeing one, unless your character is well equipped and/or proficient in combat, it is a good idea to retreat to the nearest bush or window and defend from there. While this applies to all enemies, it's especially true for zombie dogs as, once they detect the character, they will catch up very quickly. Many inexperienced characters have died as a result of fighting zombie dogs - via incapacitating pain or that deep bite leading to dying from subsequent attacks by other zombies or simply infected wounds.

Development history

Early versions of DDA, along with the Whales version, included a "Fresh Zombie" which was capable of catching the PC and forcing them into a melee fight, buying time for the rest of the horde to catch up. The zombie dog is essentially the same critter.

( Edit Notes )