Default value: 500 | Min value: -- | Max value: --
Characters with the smelly trait will default to 800, and to 1200 with the very smelly mutation.
It will always try to normalize itself to the default level.
Scent always surrounds the player's character, and will leave a trail when he moves. Without the presence of the player, the scent eventually disappears.
In earlier game versions, the scent vision bionic allowed you to visualize your scent.
- How does it decrease?
- Closed doors and windows will reduce the scent leaked outside
- Taping windows will reduce the scent leaked outside even more
- Smoke (normal one, tear gas, toxic gas...) eliminates all the scent close to it, so use that to your advantage.
- Rain reduces scent by one point per turn
- The Olfactory Mask bionic eliminates your scent entirely.
- Certain mutations can effectively reduce your scent intensity as you smell less like prey. If you have multiple mutations changing smells, the highest smell value counts.
- Other mutations or bionics can add a penalty or bonus to your scent values, on top of the default scent intensity, various sources of these 'smell masks' stack.
- Effects
Scent allows any creature able to smell that specific scent type to track player characters (check the creatures with the SMELLS flag in the enemies page).
Some creatures (or mutants) have different smell types which will affect different types of creatures. Something smelling of flowers has little interest to zombies for example.