How NOT to survive

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This will all lead to a YASD, which stands for "Yet Another Stupid Death", an acronym common in many rogue-like games, YASD is any death that died of entirely preventable causes, of oversight or just carelessness.

  • Trying to take on many zombies at once without proper equipment or preparations.
  • With Safemode turned off, holding down arrow keys to move quickly, and run into inescapable situations - like running into a Jabberwock.
  • Eating chunk of tainted meat or drinking raw water. (unless you are a Rat, Chimera, Raptor or Troglobite).
  • Ignoring the dosage frequency warning on your RX12 jet injector.
  • Try to combat zombies skilled in dance fighting.
  • Light up a dynamite and forget to throw it.
  • Not noticing land mines on the road and stepping on them. In older versions minefields did not have the signs. So you could easily step on them by accident.
  • Letting your pain go too high and getting stunlocked to death
  • Attacking a mi-go with a stick
  • Pissing off an NPC who is wielding a gun, has military grade armour, a big F-ing axe, high melee skill, or all of the above
  • Pissing off an NPC who has high unarmed combat skill. NEVER UNDERESTIMATE ANYTHING!!!
  • Using guns too much and letting their noise attract hordes of zombies which you cannot possibly hope to defeat
  • Not using diagonal movement. This makes sense for circular distances but you end up wasting time and using more resources than you need
  • Getting bitten and not cauterizing/disinfecting it
  • Getting infected and not taking antibiotics
  • Eating addictive substances all at once. You will need the rest to hold off addiction penalties (which are HUGE)
  • Killing an innocent NPC to get -100 morale penalty, so welcome to no crafting for a few days including cooking food! You are screwed unless you find some serious foods, books, or tools to increase morale.
  • Killing too many zombie children at one time, especially if you are a pacifist, psychopaths aren't fazed though.
  • Jumping into a fire
  • Jumping into lava
  • Jumping into water (without swimming skill/too much equipment)
  • Jumping into acid
  • Jumping into a car and have its fuel tank explode on you while running zombies over
  • Running too much and not being able to fight effectively because your stamina ran out
  • Turning on a flashlight in a zombie infested city AT NIGHT.
  • Not picking Night Vision trait and exploring at night
  • Run into a zombie hulk
  • Driving a car with no seatbelt, you get damaged for impacts
  • Explore a spider basement
  • Become a melee character... with Flimsy, Frail, or Fragile traits
  • Running out of bullets while you're cornered and not having a backup melee weapon (including unarmed skill)
  • Become deaf from building falling and not hearing anything for a few days
  • Knock down a building you are in.
  • Thinking you are invincible just because you have layers of kevlar plate armour, a big helmet, and tough shoes
  • Standing next to an active mininuke
  • Being surrounded by any enemies tough enough to kill you
  • Charging a rickety, home-made wooden bike at a zombie horde
  • Throwing something at a (buried) land mine while close to it
  • Going into a survivor house (with red carpet) and being killed by shotgun traps or buried land mines. (there can be land mines on the toilet)
  • Lighting flour on fire and trying to put it out with water. That makes the fire bigger.
  • Say hello to a moose's bloody antlers up close without proper protection or means to kill it
  • Fistfight with dogs while naked
  • Slapping an NPC because he/she stole items from your base... then getting cut up by a katana/shot by an M4A1/burnt by a spraycan flamethrower
  • Not getting guns. Seriously.
  • Playing with no cities on (0 city size) as a shower victim
  • Fall in a pit/bear trap/tripwire with a small sliver of hp
  • Getting a limb blown off by a high damage attack
  • Getting your health (not hp) to -100 and not being able to regen hp by sleeping
  • Chop down a tree and make it fall on you
  • Drowning. Seriously? Couldn't you at least strip naked and drop if you had to swim at 0 swimming skill?
  • Getting caught by police robots
  • Set all of str, dex, int, and per to 4 (the minimum). You can't read many books, traps are invisible, melee is near impossible, and you have very little hp
  • Committing suicide by pressing Q.
  • Driving your death mobile into a minefield, or a VERY thick forest
  • Pretending to be a knight in NetHack and trying to lance a zombie with an awlpike while riding a bicycle
  • Trying to fight a Shocker brute with a Katana
  • Reading this page and trying everything listed here