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Revision as of 15:55, 9 January 2022 by Mrstickman1997 (talk | contribs) (Fungal parasites increase it by 999 in late stage.)
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There are 9 perceivable levels of pain:

  • No pain
  • Minimal pain
  • Mild pain
  • Moderate pain
  • Distracting pain
  • Distressing pain
  • Unmanageable pain
  • Intense pain
  • Severe pain

High levels of pain can result in stat penalties.

How does it increase? (Not a complete list)

  • By taking damage from enemies
  • Walking over certain tiles such as rubble or fire
  • Diseases or conditions such as infected bite wounds
  • Failed implanting of bionics
  • Certain weather such as acid rain
  • Rapid physiological changes from mutation can be painful
  • Being overburdened (can easily result from strength being lowered due to pain)
  • Having one's arms broken by a late stage fungal parasite, causing 999 pain

How does it decrease?

  • Waiting for it to go down (Taking painkillers speeds up this process)
  • Using Bionics
  • Adrenaline can temporarily alleviate the effects of pain

(Certain mutations also speed up pain loss and resistance to pain)


Painkiller is a value indicating internal effects working against pain.

Default value: 0 | Max value: 240

How does it increase?

How does it decrease?

  • If positive, it will decrease by 1 every 5 minutes
  • Addiction to painkillers (1 per turn at 25+ intensity, otherwise 1 per (100 - 4 * intensity) turns)


It is subtracted from pain in pretty much every situation where pain is involved in any way.

Kills you instantly if you get it above 240.

Decreases speed, but less so than the pain it prevents would cause.

Maximum painkiller effect

  • aspirin - 15
  • codeine - 49
  • heroin - 92
  • morphine - 62
  • oxycodone - 62
  • poppy painkiller - 47
  • tramadol - 40