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File:Gunther hermann.PNG
Gunther Hermann in Deus Ex, a game which likely influenced (and continues to influence) bionics in Cataclysm and C:DDA

Bionics, also known as CBMs or Compact Bionic Modules, are cybernetic enhancements that can be added to the player, granting various passive and activated abilities. Along with mutations, they are one of two paths to transhumanism typically taken by late-game characters. Some offer powerful abilities such as teleportation and stopping time, many of which are unique in the game, and some are useless or even a liability when installed.A Power Storage bionic and a bionic capable of charging the battery are necessary for the use of most bionics.

You can access the bionics menu via p, where you can see and manage all your installed bionics.

Here is a full updated list of all the bionics list


Here's a full list

CBMs are surgery kits that contain all the parts required to install a cybernetic implant, also called a bionic, in a human. While this can be done at an autodoc, the procedure is very dangerous and is best performed by a qualified professional.

Finding Bionics

Bionics can be obtained by trading with Rubik, or by dissecting certain enemies, including:

Hub 01 may also feature bionics for sale, as they are actively trying to reverse-engineer the alien technology. This is set to be expanded on in future quests.

Preparing CBMs

CBMs you loot throughout the world are packaged and ready to install, but CBMs dissected out of corpses come filthy and deployed. An autodoc will not allow you to install it this way, even if you're ready to shove zombie gore in your chest cavity. There are four steps you'll have to remember in order to prepare a harvested CBM for installation.

There are two types of autoclaves, the stationary furniture and the item version. The furniture version is currently only found in research facilities, while the item version may spawn in various locations like labs, hospitals, and doctor's offices. The furniture autoclave consumes 64 units or 16L of water per cycle and does not need to be powered, while the item version consumes 2L of water and must be loaded with a heavy battery. It requires 8200 battery power to run, so it can only be used with the heavy plutonium fuel battery. Alternatively, it could be installed onto a vehicle as a mountable autoclave, which enables it to draw power from the vehicle, drastically decreases the operation cost. An autoclave cycle is 90 minutes.


The bionic installation process requires an autodoc, a highly advanced medical apparatus that can conduct medical operations on players and NPCs, and some specific monsters—namely prototype cyborgs. For now, they are only used for installation/uninstallation of bionics and splinting broken limbs, but other types of operations are planned for the future.

The player has to manually configure the autodoc prior to every operation. Alternatively, if there is a friendly NPC with better suitable skills nearby, he'll begin configuring the autodoc for the player. Operation success chance is displayed in the autodoc menu, as is anesthetic usage and time of the operation.

If the patient does not have the Sensory Dulling CBM or the Deadened mutation, an anesthetic kit will be needed. An anesthetic kit holds 3L of anesthetic and can be reloaded indefinitely. A surgical procedure will consume a certain amount of anesthetic, which depends on the patient's weight and the difficulty of the bionic. After configuring the autodoc, it will inject anesthesia, putting the character into a state of narcosis where they won't react to most stimuli, including sounds and even monsters gnawing on their arm, so it's best to make sure you are safe before conducting the operation.

Installing bionics is based off intelligence and various skills. The most important skill is First Aid, followed by Computers and Electronics. For the best chances of operation success, raise those skills as high as you can, and also make sure as much as possible that no penalty is decreasing your intelligence.

The chance of success is equal to the following:

Chance of Success = (100 * Difficulty) / (Difficulty + sqrt(1 / Difficulty)) (see bionics.cpp(0.F-3))


Example interactive graph for Skill vs Chance of Success for Bionic Difficulty = 9:

The time an autodoc operation takes depends on the bionic's difficulty. The rule is 20 minutes per one point of difficulty, so installation time can vary from 20 minutes for the easiest bionics like Power Storage to four hours for the hardest ones like Synaptic Accelerator.

A body can hold Power Storage/mk. II bionics up to 2,000kJ of maximum power, and one of each other bionic. However, the Bionics interface can only accommodate about 30 or so before it starts to have trouble maintaining letters for all of them. Take this into account when you install a lot of bionics.

Installation Failure

The possible outcomes of installation are:

  • successful installation
  • failure without incident (Failure level of 0)
  • failure with a chance of pain (Failure level of 1)
  • failure with a chance of severe body damage (Failure level of 2 or 3)
  • failure with a chance to install a malfunctioning bionic (Failure level of 4 or 5)
    • failure with a chance of permanent power loss (this replaces installing a malfunctioning bionic if you have all of the malfunctioning bionics.)

Failing to install the bionic will return it to you, deployed and non-sterile, unless you managed to install a faulty bionic instead. Only the body parts a bionic occupies will be damaged. How much you failed by is then further modified to determine your failure level.

Your maximum level of failure is determined by the following formula:

Maximum Failure = SQRT ((100 - Chance of Success) * 4 * Bionic Difficulty / Adjusted Skill)

Maximum failure must be at least 4 to install a faulty CBM. In practice, any installation with a chance of failure higher than 28% can potentially give a faulty CBM. The exception is characters who started the game with a medical profession, which prevents any chance of a faulty bionic being installed.

Failing to install or uninstall a bionic can inflict up to 80 damage. This could very well instantly kill your character, so be warned.

Powering bionics

Some bionics don't need to be powered or activated, but many consume bionic power to fuel their usage. Max bionic power is listed on the (@) statistics screen in the BIONICS section below the traits section, while your current power is listed in the sidebar under Power. You can also use the bionics menu (p) to see current and max bionic power and a list of all your bionics, which you can toggle on and off from this screen. Bionic power is measured in kilojoules, with a maximum of 2100 kJ that the player can gain. You can increase your max bionic power by installing the Power Storage or Power Storage Mk. II CBMs for 100 and 250 max power respectively. You can also set bionics to start producing power when you got <75, <50, <25 or <0 for each different bionic(A) while in the bionic menu

Sources of bionics power

To power your bionics, you will need a CBM that can charge your internal batteries. There are several bionics that can do so, with varying practicality and efficiency.

Faulty bionics

As you can expect, things sometimes go wrong with shoving technology in your body. Several bionics exist that have purely negative effects, which hamper your character until they are uninstalled. A severely failed install can randomly install a faulty bionic. They also come pre-installed with certain professions, such as prototype and failed cyborgs, which challenge you to uninstall those bionics before they kill you. Faulty CBMs in item form can be dissected out of cyborgs.

Glowy Thing

Name Description

Removing Bionics

Uninstallation in 0.D (Danny) is only possible through the autodoc or NPC surgeon. All features of installing (need for anesthesia, time required for operation, etc.) are applicable for uninstallation too. Uninstallation is noticeably more difficult than installing bionics and can do serious/fatal damage on a failure. On a success, no damage is taken. To determine the removal difficulty, the bionic difficulty is taken, and 2 points are added to it. Faulty bionics vary a lot in difficulty values.


Manual Bionic Installation

Allows you to install bionics the old way, without use of an autodoc. To manually install a CBM, you'll have to activate it first. Skills used are electronics, first aid, and mechanics, in that order. Anesthetic is not used. Attempting to manual self-install a bionic will practice a character's skills. Amount of gained exp is based on chance to fail current installation:

for electronics: (100 - Chance of Success) * 1.5
for first aid: (100 - Chance of Success) * 1.0
for mechanics: (100 - Chance of Success) * 0.5

Bionic Slots

Bionic Slots are not a thing in the base game. They are a limitation if using the mod Aftershock, or the Bionic Slots mod. At some point, they may be added to mainline. Limits the number of bionics you can install in each body part. Each bionic takes up a certain number of slots. Available slots are as follows.

  • Torso - 80
  • Head - 18
  • Eyes - 4
  • Mouth - 4
  • Left/right arm - 20
  • Left/right hand - 5
  • Left/right leg - 30
  • Left/right foot - 7

Safe Autodoc

Removes any and all failure chance for installing bionics.


  • 0.7 (Lindqvist) - Bionics can be retrieved from butchered player corpses.
  • 0.B (Brin) - Feature to remove bionics added; previous versions only allowed removal with critical failure on install.
  • 0.D (Danny) - (Un)installing bionics requires autodoc and anesthesia, beta version of the debug slots system.
  • 0.F (Frank) - Bionics now come from one of alien factions. Limited amount of enemies which can be harvested for bionics, introduced bionic merchant.