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 "It would be good to be a Queen, having workers constantly servicing your every need...but how would you keep them in line?" 

Fairly capable melee-centric mutation. It's not as potent as Lizard or Beast, but it also has fewer drawbacks. And it comes with a few utility mutations to boot.


Point cost: 3
"You're just generally quick! You get a 10% bonus to action points."
Cancels: Rapid Metabolism, Hyper-Metabolism, Fast Metabolism, Very Fast Metabolism, Extreme Metabolism, Heat Dependent, Very Heat Dependent, Cold Blooded, Ectothermic
Changes to: Gizzard, Heat Dependent
Point cost: 2
"Your metabolism is a little slower, and you require less food than most."
Night Vision NIGHTVISION Possible Starting Trait BIRD CATTLE INSECT
Cancels: Fey Vision, Fey Nightsight, Feline Vision, Ursine Vision
Changes to: High Night Vision
Point cost: 2
"You possess natural night vision, and can see further in the dark than most. Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off."
Poison Resistant POISRESIST Possible Starting Trait INSECT SLIME SPIDER MEDICAL
Leads to: Intestinal Fortitude
Point cost: 1
"Your system is rather tolerant of poisons and toxins, and most will affect you less."
Terrifying TERRIFYING Possible Starting Trait BEAST INSECT CHIMERA
Point cost: 1
"There's something about you that creatures find frightening, and they are more likely to try to flee."
Changes to: Very Heavy Sleeper
Point cost: -1
"You're quite the heavy sleeper. Noises are unlikely to wake you up."

Normal Mutations

Requires: Night Vision
Cancels: Fey Vision, Fey Nightsight, Feline Vision, Ursine Vision
Changes to: Full Night Vision
Point cost: 4
"You can see incredibly well in the dark! Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off."
Requires: Full Night Vision
Cancels: Reptilian IR
Point cost: 5
"Your eyes have mutated to pick up radiation in the infrared spectrum."
Chitinous Armor CHITIN2 INSECT
Requires: Chitinous Skin
Cancels: Rough Skin, Scales, Thick Scales, Sleek Scales, Feathers, Down, Lightly Furred, Furry, Shaggy Fur, Gray Fur, Sleek Fur, Lynx Fur, Chitinous Skin, Chitinous Plate, Hairy Chitin, Furred Chitin, Furred Plate, Phelloderm, Bark
Changes to: Chitinous Plate
Point cost: 2 / Visibility: 6 / Ugliness: 3
"You've grown a chitin exoskeleton, much like that of an insect. It provides considerable physical protection, and make your punches hit a little harder but reduces your Dexterity by 1. Somewhat reduces wet effects."
Requires: Smelly
Cancels: Weak Scent, Strong Scent, Mammal Pheromones
Point cost: 2
"Your body produces low-level pheromones, identifying you as a friend to many species of insects. Insects will attack you much less."
Requires: Bulging Eyes
Cancels: Fey Eyes, Feline Eyes, Ursine Vision, Avian Eyes, Reptilian Eyes
Point cost: 2 / Visibility: 9 / Ugliness: 5
"Your eyes are compound, like those of an insect. This increases your Perception by 2 so long as you aren't wearing eyewear."
Requires: Head Bumps
Cancels: Horns, Curled Horns, Pointed Horns, Antlers,
Point cost: 1 / Visibility: 9 / Ugliness: 4
"You have a pair of antennae. They allow you to detect the presence of monsters up to a few tiles away, even if you can't see or hear them, but prevent wearing headwear that is not made of fabric."
Spiked Tail TAIL_STING
Requires: Long Tail
Cancels: Stubby Tail, Tail Fin, Long Tail, Cattle Tail, Rodent Tail, Thick Tail, Raptor Tail, Fluffy Tail, Club Tail
Point cost: 0 / Visibility: 6 / Ugliness: 3
"You have a long tail that ends in a vicious stinger. It does not improve your balance at all, but allows for a powerful piercing attack. Prevents wearing non-fabric pants."
Requires: Wing Stubs
Cancels: Bird Wings, Bat Wings, Butterfly Wings, Vines, Vine Limbs, Vine Sprouter
Point cost: 1 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 4
"You have a pair of large, translucent wings. They are too small to lift you, but are powerful enough to greatly speed your movement, with some effort and noise."
Requires: Mouth Flaps
Cancels: Mouth Tentacles, Fangs, Incisors, Saber Teeth, Folding Fangs, Proboscis, Beak, Woodpecker Beak, Hummingbird Beak, Shark Teeth, Folding Fangs, Bovine Snout, Lupine Muzzle, Ursine Muzzle, Rodent Muzzle, Reptilian Muzzle, Proboscis, Beak, Woodpecker Beak, Hummingbird Beak
Changes to: Folding Fangs
Point cost: 1 / Visibility: 8 / Ugliness: 6
"A set of insect-like mandibles have grown around your mouth. They allow you to eat faster and provide a slicing unarmed attack, but prevent wearing mouthwear. Slightly reduces wet effects."
Changes to: Very Strong
Point cost: 1
"Your muscles are a little stronger. Strength + 1"
Changes to: Very Dextrous, Prime Dexterity
Point cost: 1
"You are a little nimbler. Dexterity + 1"
Requires: Ugly
Cancels: Pretty, Beautiful, Very Beautiful, Glorious
Changes to: Badly Deformed
Point cost: -2 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 4
"You're slightly deformed. Some people will react badly to your appearance."
Cancels: Sunlight Dependent
Changes to: Very Light Sensitive
Point cost: -2
"Sunlight makes you uncomfortable. If you are outdoors and the weather is Sunny, you suffer -1 to all stats."
Requires: Very Heat Dependent
Cancels: Light Eater, Hyper-Metabolism, Fast Metabolism, Very Fast Metabolism, Extreme Metabolism, Heat Dependent, Very Heat Dependent, Ectothermic
Changes to: Ectothermic
Point cost: -3
"You are cold-blooded and rely on heat to keep moving. Your lose 1% of your speed for every 2 (1.1) degrees below 65 F (18.3 C), but only need to eat about half as much as before."

Post-threshold mutations

Butterfly Wings WINGS_BUTTERFLY Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable Threshold Mutation INSECT
Requires: Wing Stubs
Cancels: Bird Wings, Insect Wings, Bat Wings, Vines, Vine Limbs, Vine Sprouter
Point cost: -1 / Visibility: 10 / Ugliness: -2
"You have a very large and very beautiful pair of brightly-colored wings. They can't lift you, and they make balancing tricky, but they certainly catch air and attention!"
Proboscis PROBOSCIS Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable Threshold Mutation INSECT
Requires: Bulging Eyes, Compound Eyes
Cancels: Mouth Tentacles, Fangs, Incisors, Saber Teeth, Mandibles, Folding Fangs, Beak, Woodpecker Beak, Hummingbird Beak, Shark Teeth, Mandibles, Folding Fangs, Bovine Snout, Lupine Muzzle, Ursine Muzzle, Rodent Muzzle, Reptilian Muzzle, Beak, Woodpecker Beak, Hummingbird Beak
Point cost: -4 / Visibility: 5 / Ugliness: 7
"You've gotten rid of that terribly imprecise mouth and now imbibe your food like a proper person. Chewing was tiresome anyway."
Insect Limbs INSECT_ARMS Not purifiable Threshold Mutation INSECT SPIDER
Requires: Chitinous Skin, Chitinous Armor, Chitinous Plate, Furred Chitin, Furred Plate
Additional requirement: Antennae
Cancels: Paws, Broad Paws, Insect Arms, Arachnid Limbs, Arachnid Arms, Tentacle Arms, 4 Tentacles, 8 Tentacles
Changes to: Insect Arms, Arachnid Limbs
Point cost: -5 / Visibility: 8 / Ugliness: 5
"You've *finally* sprouted a pair of arms from your midsection. They flail more-or-less uncontrollably, making you feel rather larval."
Insect Arms INSECT_ARMS_OK Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable Threshold Mutation INSECT
Requires: Insect Limbs
Additional requirement: Antennae
Cancels: Paws, Broad Paws, Insect Limbs, Arachnid Limbs, Arachnid Arms, Tentacle Arms, 4 Tentacles, 8 Tentacles
Point cost: 0 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 5
"It's good having all your arms. Though they're too thin to block or punch, you can fold them inside human-shaped gear if need be."
Point cost: 3
"Your mutated flesh is immune to the damaging effects of acid."
Requires: Acidproof
Point cost: 4
"Your body has developed a wonderful defense mechanism. Instead of normal blood, you bleed a strong molecular acid which will damage any creature foolish enough to harm you."
