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Fire is a field effect usually initiated by the player, either on purpose or by accident. A fire will need flammable materials present on its same tile in order to not dissipate. It can damage (and eventually destroy or kill) items and creatures present in the same tile.

Fire can be used for crafting.

A fire can be contained by a brazier and other items and structures (such as wood stoves), and extinguished by pouring water over it or by using a fire extinguisher.

All fire types have a chance of producing smoke. You can prevent the effects of smoke inhalation by wearing a filter mask when in or close to a fire, and a gas mask when in or close to a raging fire.

Fire in buildings is extremely dangerous, although not always immediately. Once it starts spreading (about an hour from the start if the lit fire is not especially flammable), the building will start falling apart very quickly, causing a lot of noise and damage. Eventually the entire building will be reduced to rubble that contains a lot of nails, rebar and rocks. Basements have floor and walls made of rock and so are fireproof.


  1. 4 - small fire
  2. 4 - fire
  3. 4 - raging fire

After a while consuming flammable materials, the fire will increase its density. If it reaches a given high density (3), and unless the fire is in a pit or contained in some other way (by using a brazier, wood stove or fireplace), it will try to spread to random adjacent tiles, up to two tiles away. If the fire fails to spread it'll create more smoke instead.

Depending on their composition, items can feed a fire present on the same tile, making it last longer and increasing its density.

Composition Longevity Smoke
paper based on volume low
wood moderate low
vegetable moderate low
cotton low low
wool low low
flesh low moderate
human flesh low moderate
tequila, whiskey, vodka and rum high high
other liquids high low
powder based on volume moderate
plastic low moderate


Intensity is derived from the current density of the fire. Characters inside a vehicle will reduce the effects of the intensity of the fire.


Ammunition will cook off (explode) when on fire.

Damage to player characters:

  1. A small fire 4 will damage the legs and feet ("You burn your legs and feet!").
  2. A fire 4 will damage the legs and torso and suffer from smoke intoxication (of strength 5, for 20 turns) ("You're burning up!").
  3. A raging fire 4 will damage the legs and torso and become on fire (for 5 turns) and suffer from smoke intoxication (of strength 7, for 30 turns) ("You're set ablaze!").

Characters with the thermal dissipation bionic aren't affected by fire, but can be affected by smoke.

Damage per turn done to creatures based on their composition:

Composition Dmg
flesh 3
human flesh 3
vegetable 12
paper 20
liquid 20
powder 20
wood 20
cotton 20
wool 20
stone -20
kevlar -20
steel -20

Flying creatures receive -15 damage points per turn.

  • Small fires 4 (intensity 1) will deal from 2 up to 6 extra damage points per turn.
  • Fires 4 (intensity 2) will deal from 6 up to 12 extra damage points per turn. If it's a flying creature, it'll see its movement points reduced by 20. If it's not made of liquid, stone, kevlar, steel or fire it will be set on fire for between 3 and 8 turns.
  • Raging fires 4 (intensity 3) will deal from 10 up to 20 extra damage points per turn. If it's a flying creature, it'll see its movement points reduced by 40 (any creature also has a 1/3 chance of being affected by this). If it's not made of liquid, stone, kevlar, steel or fire it will be set on fire for between 3 and 8 turns.

Zombies conversion

Some zombies, will be converted into other zombie types when they are burned enough. For example the normal zombie when killed by fire, will rise again as a scorched zombie. Not all zombies will be changed into others, and sometimes the new zombie can be less or more dangerous than the previous one.