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Bovine THRESH_CATTLE Targeted Mutation Only Not purifiable
Point cost: 1
"Civilization collapsed? Great! You and your kin will never have to worry about a slaughterhouse again."

You're a huge, lumbering herbivore with a lot of health, a powerful natural attack and the ability to eat bushes. Plays like a less restrictive version of Plant.

The threshold mutation of this category is called Bovine ingame.


Night Vision NIGHTVISION Possible Starting Trait BIRD CATTLE INSECT
Cancels: Fey Vision, Fey Nightsight, Feline Vision, Ursine Vision
Changes to: High Night Vision
Point cost: 2
"You possess natural night vision, and can see further in the dark than most. Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off."
Cancels: Thin-Skinned
Point cost: 1
"Your skin is tough. Cutting damage is slightly reduced for you. Slightly decreases wet penalties."
Disease Resistant DISRESISTANT Possible Starting Trait CATTLE MEDICAL RAT
Changes to: Disease Immune
Point cost: 1
"It's very unlikely that you will catch ambient diseases like a cold or the flu."

Normal Mutations

Requires: Lightly Furred
Cancels: Rough Skin, Scales, Thick Scales, Sleek Scales, Feathers, Down, Lightly Furred, Shaggy Fur, Gray Fur, Sleek Fur, Lynx Fur, Chitinous Skin, Chitinous Armor, Chitinous Plate, Hairy Chitin, Furred Chitin, Furred Plate, Phelloderm, Bark
Changes to: Shaggy Fur
Point cost: 2 / Visibility: 10 / Ugliness: 3
"Thick black fur has grown to cover your entire body, providing a marginal protection against attacks, and considerable protection from cold."
Requires: Smelly
Cancels: Weak Scent, Strong Scent, Insect Pheromones,
Point cost: 2
"Your body produces low-level pheromones which put mammals at ease. They will be less likely to attack or flee from you."
Cancels: Padded Feet, Toe Talons, Roots, Rooter, Chloromorphosis, Leg Tentacles
Point cost: -4 / Visibility: 2 / Ugliness: 2
"Your feet have fused into hooves. This allows kicking attacks to do much more damage, provides natural armor, and removes the need to wear shoes; however, you cannot wear shoes of any kind. Reduces wet effects."
Requires: Herbivore
Cancels: Carnivore, Saprovore
Changes to: Grazer
Point cost: 2
"Your digestive system is capable of digesting cellulose and other rough plant material. You can eat underbrush and shrubs by activating this, standing over your target, and pressing E."
Requires: Head Bumps
Cancels: Curled Horns, Pointed Horns, Antlers, Antennae
Changes to: Curled Horns, Pointed Horns, Antlers
Point cost: 1 / Visibility: 3 / Ugliness: 1
"You have a pair of small horns on your head. They allow you to make a weak piercing headbutt attack."
Requires: Long Tail
Cancels: Stubby Tail, Tail Fin, Long Tail, Rodent Tail, Thick Tail, Raptor Tail, Fluffy Tail, Spiked Tail, Club Tail
Point cost: -1 / Visibility: 6 / Ugliness: 2
"You have a long tail with a tuft on the end. You find yourself instinctively swatting away flies with it, though it's not as effective at balancing you as you'd like. Prevents wearing non-fabric pants."
Cancels: Lupine Ears, Feline Ears, Ursine Ears, Pointed Ears, Rodent Ears
Changes to: Lupine Ears
Point cost: 1 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 1
"Your ears have extended into long, pointed ones, like those of a canine. They enhance your hearing, allowing you to hear at greater distances."
Requires: Strong, Very Strong, Extremely Strong, Insanely Strong
Cancels: Little, Tiny
Changes to: Large, Freakishly Huge
Point cost: 0 / Visibility: 1 / Ugliness: 1
"You have grown noticeably taller and broader. Much of it is useful muscle mass (Strength +2), but you find it throws off your balance and you get in your own way (+10 torso and arm encumbrance)."
Requires: Inconveniently Large, Large
Additional requirement: Extremely Strong, Insanely Strong
Cancels: Little, Tiny
Changes to: Huge
Point cost: -2 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 4
"You have grown even more massive, to the point where you cannot usefully fit into human-sized clothing or vehicles. Much of it is powerful muscle mass (Strength +4), but it's a real pain to haul around."
Requires: Strong
Changes to: Extremely Strong, Prime Strength
Point cost: 2
"Your muscles are stronger. Strength + 2"
Requires: Ugly
Cancels: Pretty, Beautiful, Very Beautiful, Glorious
Changes to: Badly Deformed
Point cost: -2 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 4
"You're slightly deformed. Some people will react badly to your appearance."
Requires: Snout
Cancels: Mandibles, Folding Fangs, Lupine Muzzle, Ursine Muzzle, Rodent Muzzle, Reptilian Muzzle, Proboscis, Beak, Woodpecker Beak, Hummingbird Beak
Point cost: -4 / Visibility: 5 / Ugliness: 6
"Your face resembles that of a bull, with a significant snout. It looks fearsome but prevents wearing mouthgear."
Requires: Ponderous
Cancels: Fleet-Footed, Slow Footed, Road-Runner, Ponderous, Extremely Ponderous
Changes to: Extremely Ponderous
Point cost: -5
"Your muscles are quite slow to move. You move 20% slower."

Post-threshold mutations

Grazer GRAZER Threshold Mutation CATTLE
Requires: Ruminant
Cancels: Carnivore, Saprovore
Point cost: 3
"You're accustomed to eating plants directly, and can get nutrition from grass as well as underbrush and shrubs. Eat either one by activating this, standing over your target, and pressing E."
Requires: Large, Huge, Extremely Strong, Insanely Strong, Pain Junkie
Cancels: Flimsy, Frail, Fragile, Glass Jaw
Changes to: Solidly Built
Point cost: 2
"You can survive injuries that would incapacitate humans: you get a 20% bonus to all hit points. Stacks with Tough, etc."
Solidly Built MUT_TOUGH2 Targeted Mutation Only Threshold Mutation URSINE CATTLE MEDICAL CHIMERA
Requires: Resilient
Cancels: Flimsy, Frail, Fragile, Glass Jaw
Changes to: TAAANK
Point cost: 3
"Not much scares you. You get a 30% bonus to all hit points. Stacks with Tough, etc."
TAAANK MUT_TOUGH3 Targeted Mutation Only Threshold Mutation URSINE CATTLE
Requires: Solidly Built
Cancels: Flimsy, Frail, Fragile, Glass Jaw
Point cost: 4
"You can simply take the punishment from lesser beings and keep going. You get a 40% bonus to all hit points. Stacks with Tough, etc."
Requires: Inconveniently Large
Additional requirement: Strong, Very Strong, Extremely Strong, Insanely Strong
Cancels: Little, Tiny
Changes to: Freakishly Huge
Leads to: Resilient
Point cost: 2 / Visibility: 1
"You carry your rugged body with the dignity you deserve. Strength +2."
Huge HUGE_OK Threshold Mutation URSINE CATTLE
Requires: Freakishly Huge
Additional requirement: Extremely Strong, Insanely Strong
Cancels: Little, Tiny
Leads to: Resilient
Point cost: 2 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 3
"Your cardiovascular system has caught up with your muscular physique, so who needs pathetic human cars? Strength +4."
