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Stim is one of the hidden stats that represents the influence of stimulants and depressants on the character's body. Although stim is considered hidden, it is exposed to the player by two status effects: stimulants and depressants. They represent opposite sides of the same spectrum.

Default value: 0 | Min value: -200 | Max value: 250 These are not hard caps, rather they are limits of what the body can manage, and you die if you cross these limits. See the overdose section below.

Becoming affected

  • Many comestibles have either a stimulating or a depressing effect, and consuming them will modify your current level of stim.
  • Food and drinks have minor to moderate effects, with a few exceptions, while medications can have a potent effect.
  • Stimulants and depressants nullify each other; you can reduce stimulation by consuming depressants, and vice-versa. This knowledge might save you when you are on a brink of an overdose.
  • Every 5 minutes, the 'stim' value will progress towards 0 by 1 point.

How does it increase?

How does it decrease?


Your movement points, dexterity, intelligence and perception will increase based on the combined intensity of the consumed stimulants. These effects are lowered if your stim level is already equal to or greater than 30. The bonus to your movement points can't be greater than 40 in any case.

Your fatigue will be reduced when consuming stimulants, the amount depending on the item's stim intensity. Your sleepiness will also be reduced when laying down to sleep, based on the current stim level. All this will allow you to stay awake for longer periods of time. If for some reason you want to sleep under these conditions, you'll need to consume items that increase your fatigue first.

NPCs will fear players with stim levels greater than 20, which will, in turn, lower their trust. NPCs can also be affected by stimulants, if consumed.


Overdose effects are cumulative, and become more adverse with increasing doses of stimulants/depressants. You can die because of your extreme stim level.

Stim overdose

Stim overdose is a status effect applied at high stim levels (>30). If you have the Stimulant Psychosis trait, you are more tolerant and the stim overdose effect will only kick in at higher levels (>60).

"You can't sit still as you feel your heart pounding out of your chest. You probably overdosed on those stims."

Stim overdose effects:

  • -0.88 dexterity
  • -0.25 perception and additional -0.071 per 1 stim point above overdose limit
  • -0.25 speed per 1 stim point above overdose limit


Overdose effects in order of severity:

  • Stim overdose. Stim > 30 (see above)
  • Nausea. Stim > 75 "You feel nauseous..."
  • Shakes. Stim > 110 "You shake uncontrollably."
  • Winded. Stim > 170 "You feel short of breath."
  • Downed. {{Stim > 210 "Your muscles spasm!"
  • Death from a heart attack. Stim > 250 ("You have a sudden heart attack!").


Overdose effects in order of severity:

  • Fatigue. increase Stim < -60 "You feel tired..."
  • Downed. Stim < -85 "You feel dizzy for a moment." "You stumble and fall over!"
  • Winded. Stim < -120 "Your breathing slows down."
  • Black out: downed, blind, and sleep. Stim < -160 "You black out!"
  • Death from apnea. Stim < -200 ("Your breathing stops completely.").