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There are currently 51 different traits split between positive traits, which cost points and help your character, and negative traits, which give you points and hinder your character. The right selection of traits can mean the difference between a living survivor and a rotting corpse.

Positive Traits

Fleet-Footed FLEET Possible Starting Trait SPIDER MOUSE
Cancels: Slow Footed, Road-Runner, Ponderous, Very Ponderous, Extremely Ponderous
Changes to: Road-Runner
Point cost: 2
"You can move more quickly than most, resulting in a 15% speed bonus on sure footing."
Parkour Expert PF_PARKOUR
Point cost: 2
"You're skilled at clearing obstacles; terrain like railings or counters are as easy for you to move on as solid ground."

This trait reduces the movement cost by half for terrain with a movement cost over 100 points, such as counters, rubble and broken windows. This trait also makes you four times less likely to cut yourself when climbing through "sharp" terrain.

Point cost: 3
"You're just generally quick! You get a 10% bonus to action points."
Point cost: 2
"Nothing gets you down! Your morale will generally be higher than average."

With Optimist, the player's morale can resist up to 30 points of unhappiness and at a better time it will have additional +20 points.

Fast Healer FASTHEALER Possible Starting Trait MEDICAL
Cancels: Slow Healer, Poor Healer, Imperceptive Healer, Very Fast Healer, Regeneration, Rapid Metabolism, Weakening, Deterioration, Disintegration
Changes to: Very Fast Healer, Reptilian Healing
Point cost: 2
"You heal faster when sleeping and will even recover a small amount of HP when not sleeping."
Cancels: Rapid Metabolism, Hyper-Metabolism, Fast Metabolism, Very Fast Metabolism, Extreme Metabolism, Heat Dependent, Very Heat Dependent, Cold Blooded, Ectothermic
Changes to: Gizzard, Heat Dependent
Point cost: 2
"Your metabolism is a little slower, and you require less food than most."
Pain Resistant PF_PAINRESIST
Point cost: 2
"You have a high tolerance for pain."

With this trait, pain can be reduced by up to half when the player is hit and up to one third for other types of damage .

Night Vision NIGHTVISION Possible Starting Trait BIRD CATTLE INSECT
Cancels: Fey Vision, Fey Nightsight, Feline Vision, Ursine Vision
Changes to: High Night Vision
Point cost: 2
"You possess natural night vision, and can see further in the dark than most. Activate to toggle NV-visible areas on or off."
Poison Resistant POISRESIST Possible Starting Trait INSECT SLIME SPIDER MEDICAL
Leads to: Intestinal Fortitude
Point cost: 1
"Your system is rather tolerant of poisons and toxins, and most will affect you less."
Point cost: 1
"You're a quick reader, and can get through books a lot faster than most."

Fast Reader decreases the time it takes to read books by 20%.

Tough TOUGH Possible Starting Trait Targeted Mutation Only
Cancels: Flimsy, Frail, Fragile, Glass Jaw
Changes to: Durable
Point cost: 2
"It takes a lot to bring you down! You get a 20% bonus to all hit points."
Cancels: Thin-Skinned
Point cost: 1
"Your skin is tough. Cutting damage is slightly reduced for you. Slightly decreases wet penalties."
Point cost: 3
"You can manage to find space for anything! You can carry 40% more volume."
Point cost: 3
"Your skill comprehension is 50% higher, allowing you to learn skills much faster than others. Note that this only applies to real-world experience, not to skill gain from other sources like books."
Deft DEFT Possible Starting Trait BIRD BEAST RAPTOR MOUSE
Point cost: 1
"While you're not any better at melee combat, you are better at recovering from a miss, and will be able to attempt another strike faster."
Drunken Master PF_DRUNKEN
Point cost: 2
"The martial art technique of Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist, comes naturally to you. While under the influence of alcohol, your melee skill will rise considerably, especially unarmed combat."

Drunken master will increase character's melee to hit ratio and damage. Bonuses are random and floating, but generally the more you drink, the better the bonuses are. For example, a single drink will increase your unarmed damage by 1-2.4 points and to hit ratio by 2 points, or armed melee damage by 0.6-1.5 points and to hit ratio by 1.5 points.

Point cost: 2
"You eat faster, and can eat and drink more, than anyone else! You also enjoy food more; delicious food is better for your morale, and you don't mind some unsavory meals."

Gourmand allows you to eat more food when full, you will never vomit from overeating, and makes the morale bonus for food higher. It also allows you to use all comestibles (including medicine and first aid) in 150 action points, rather than 250.

Animal Empathy ANIMALEMPATH Possible Starting Trait BEAST ELF-A
Cancels: Animal Discord
Changes to: Animal Kinship
Point cost: 1
"Peaceful animals will not run away from you, and even aggressive animals are less likely to attack. This only applies to natural animals such as woodland creatures."
Terrifying TERRIFYING Possible Starting Trait BEAST INSECT CHIMERA
Point cost: 1
"There's something about you that creatures find frightening, and they are more likely to try to flee."
Disease Resistant DISRESISTANT Possible Starting Trait CATTLE MEDICAL RAT
Changes to: Disease Immune
Point cost: 1
"It's very unlikely that you will catch ambient diseases like a cold or the flu."
High Adrenaline ADRENALINE Possible Starting Trait BEAST CHIMERA
Point cost: 1
"If you are in a very dangerous situation, you may experience a temporary rush which increases your speed and strength significantly."
Point cost: 2
"While sleeping or staying still, it is less likely that monsters will wander close to you."

If you are staying still, spawns show up every 50 minutes or so, rather than every 20 minutes.

Point cost: 2
"Although you still suffer the negative effects of pain, it also brings a unique pleasure to you."

You receive 1 morale point for every 2.5 pain, to a limit of 25 morale points. This bonus is divided by 3 if you are under the influence of Prozac.

Light Step LIGHTSTEP Possible Starting Trait BIRD FELINE ELF-A
Cancels: Clumsy
Point cost: 1
"You make less noise while walking. You're also less likely to set off traps."
Point cost: 2
"You have few qualms, and no capacity for pity. Killing the helpless, the young, and your friends will not affect your morale at all."

You receive no morale penalty for killing an innocent NPC or if a hallucination of your mother dies next to you.

Point cost: 4
"At some point in the past you had a bionic upgrade installed in your body. You start the game with a power system, and one random bionic enhancement."

Slated for removal.

Robust Genetics ROBUST Possible Starting Trait FISH SLIME MEDICAL ALPHA
Cancels: Genetic Downward Spiral
Point cost: 3
"You have a very strong genetic base. If you mutate, the odds that the mutation will be beneficial are greatly increased."
Martial Arts Training PF_MARTIAL_ARTS
Point cost: 3
"You have receives some martial arts training at a local dojo. You will start with your choice of karate, judo, aikido, tai chi, or taekwando."

Negative Traits

Near-Sighted MYOPIC Possible Starting Trait BEAST TROGLOBITE
Cancels: Ursine Vision, Scout
Point cost: -2
"Without glasses, your seeing radius is severely reduced! However, you are guaranteed to start with a pair of glasses."
Changes to: Very Heavy Sleeper
Point cost: -1
"You're quite the heavy sleeper. Noises are unlikely to wake you up."
Asthmatic PF_ASTHMA
Point cost: -4
"You will occasionally need to use an inhaler, or else suffer severe physical limitations. However, you are guaranteed to start with an inhaler."

The player will endure sporadic asthma attacks that reduce speed, strength and dexterity until an inhaler is used, or the attack is over. Has a high chance of waking the player from sleep. Players with this trait are guaranteed to start with an inhaler.

Bad Back BADBACK Possible Starting Trait BIRD ELF-A
Cancels: Strong Back
Point cost: -3
"You simply cannot carry as much as people with a similar strength could. Your maximum weight carried is reduced by 35%."
Point cost: -5
"You never learned to read! Books and computers are off-limits to you."

The player cannot read books, magazines or use computers. Recommended for advanced players only.

Poor Hearing BADHEARING Possible Starting Trait PLANT
Cancels: Good Hearing
Changes to: Deaf
Point cost: -2
"Your hearing is poor, and you may not hear quiet or far-off noises."
Point cost: -2
"You have a hard time falling asleep, even under the best circumstances!"
Point cost: -3
"You have moral objections to eating meat. You may consume it, but doing so will hurt your morale."
Glass Jaw GLASSJAW Possible Starting Trait BIRD RAPTOR
Cancels: Tough
Point cost: -2
"Your head can't take much abuse. Its maximum HP is 20% lower than usual."
Cancels: Good Memory
Point cost: -3
"You have a hard time remembering things. Your skills will erode slightly faster than usual, and you can remember less terrain."
Lightweight LIGHTWEIGHT Possible Starting Trait MEDICAL
Cancels: Drunken Master, Substance Tolerance
Point cost: -1
"Alcohol and drugs go straight to your head. You suffer the negative effects of these for longer."
Addictive Personality PF_ADDICTIVE
Point cost: -3
"It's easier for you to become addicted to substances, and harder to rid yourself of these addictions."

Addiction will be 1.5 times more powerful and cravings will come in 1.5 times sooner.

Point cost: -2
"On rare occasion, you will go full-auto when you intended to fire a single shot. This has no effect when firing handguns or other semi-automatic firearms."
Requires: Strong Scent
Leads to: Insect Pheromones, Mammal Pheromones
Point cost: -2 / Visibility: 4 / Ugliness: 5
"You smell awful. Monsters that track scent will find you very easily, and humans will react poorly."
Chemical Imbalance CHEMIMBALANCE Possible Starting Trait SLIME MEDICAL ELF-A CHIMERA
Point cost: -2
"You suffer from a minor chemical imbalance, whether mental or physical. Minor changes to your internal chemistry will manifest themselves on occasion, such as hunger, sleepiness, narcotic effects, etc."
Point cost: -5
"You will periodically suffer from delusions, ranging from minor effects to full visual hallucinations. Some of these effects may be controlled through the use of Thorazine."
Point cost: -3
"During moments of great stress or under the effects of stimulants, you may find your hands shaking uncontrollably, severely reducing your dexterity."

The character may suffer a long and heavy dexterity penalty when using strong stimulants or when very hungry.

Point cost: -4
"You don't feel right unless you're carrying as much as you can. You suffer morale penalties for carrying less than maximum volume (weight is ignored). Xanax can help control this anxiety."
Point cost: -4
"You tend to specialize in one skill and be poor at all others. You advance at half speed in all skills except your best one. Note that combining this with Fast Learner will come out to a slower rate of learning for all skills."
Point cost: -1
"Your morale will shift up and down at random, often dramatically."

The player's morale will spike and drop randomly. Drops can be countered with the use of Prozac.

Weak Stomach WEAKSTOMACH Possible Starting Trait
Cancels: Strong Stomach
Changes to: Nausea
Point cost: -1
"You are more likely to throw up from food poisoning, alcohol, etc."
Point cost: -1
"You are badly allergic to wool, and can not wear any clothing made of the substance."

The player cannot wear clothing made of wool. This does not affect the majority of the most useful clothing.

Point cost: -2
"You do not get to see your exact amount of HP remaining, but do have a vague idea of whether you're in good condition or not."

The player does not know the precise amount of HP remaining for each body part, but can judge the overall levels of damage they have suffered, much as they judge enemy health.

Point cost: -2
"When you try to tell a lie, you blush, stammer, and get all shifty-eyed. Telling lies and otherwise bluffing will be much more difficult for you."
Ugly UGLY Possible Starting Trait FELINE LUPINE RAPTOR
Cancels: Pretty, Beautiful, Very Beautiful, Glorious
Changes to: Deformed
Point cost: -1 / Visibility: 1 / Ugliness: 2
"You're not much to look at. People who care about such things will react poorly to you."