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WARNING: This page may contain spoilers and ruin the joy of adventure.
Remember, it is not 'dying' it is 'learning how to do better next time'!

Enemies' senses

You can be detected in three ways: sight, scent, and sound.

The way sight works is simple: most of the time, if you can see them, they can see you. Though, there is an exception for a night vision bonus - it enhances a character's sight radius without giving him away. Sight has the highest priority for monsters; they will use other senses only if they cannot see you or they do not have the SEE flag.

The secondary sense is smell. The player character is almost always surrounded by his scent cloud; when you are moving, your scent slowly follows. Monsters ahead will not smell you until you come close, or stay near the same place for a while (and your scent cloud spreads). Therefore, for example, ants will ignore an incoming player at first, but then the player may have problems with outrunning them. Your scent can be intensified with the Smelly trait and the Very Smelly mutation or completely negated with the Olfactory Mask bionic.

The last sense is hearing. Monsters use it when they cannot see or smell you. When you make a noise, monsters will track it to its source. The louder the sound, the longer the enemy will move toward that point, until they can see or smell you. More info is at the noise page.

Some of the monsters cannot sense you at all; they just roam around randomly. Zombies have all three senses. Plants usually can smell and hear. Robots usually can see or hear.


All insect species have FRIEND_DIED anger-trigger.

Common fear-triggers:

  • insects: HURT FIRE
  • worms: HURT
  • plants: HURT FIRE
  • fungus: HURT FIRE
  • nether: HURT