Light survivor harness

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[ survivor harness

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ survivor harness ]
Experimental - [ survivor harness ]

Materials leather / cotton
Encumbrance 1
Volume 1.25 L or 1.32 qt or 5 c
Weight 320 g or 0.705 lbs
Warmth 0
Storage 24
Coverage 12%
Covers torso
Bash Protect 4.5
Cut Protect 4.5
Envir Protect 0
Acid Protect 11
Price 20 $
As a Weapon
Bash Dmg 1.5
Cut Dmg 2.5
To Hit 0
 A custom-built light harness covered with pouches and including an integral tactical sling for a small rifle or other such weapon. Durable and carefully crafted to be comfortable to wear. Activate to holster/draw your weapon. 

This is a very light clothing item made of leather and cotton, which covers 12% of your torso, and which has low storage capacity. It barely occupies any space, encumbers you a bit, and will not warm you at all.

It offers very low protection against bashing attacks and very low protection against cutting ones (that includes bullets), while offering no protection from environmental hazards.

It this item can be strapped onto you, reduces the morale hit when getting wet (and can even transform it into morale bonus), is more resistant to damage.

This clothing item can be repaired, fitted (if appropriate) and reinforced via the tailoring skill, by using a sewing kit or bone needle and leather patches.


0.F-3 - appears in game play as well as in Hitch Guide as "survivor harness".

Use it in the summer season while the daytime temperatures are high, so you can't wear any clothing that has much warmth. Otherwise your body heating comes in the red zone and your movement rates slow any of your actions: fabrication as well as escaping any monsters.
