Gold watch
[ gold watch | |
General | |
Materials | steel / gold |
Encumbrance | 0 |
Volume | 1 L or 1.06 qt or 4 c |
Weight | 65 g or 0.143 lbs |
Warmth | 0 |
Storage | 0 |
Coverage | 1% |
Protection | |
Bash Protect | 0 |
Cut Protect | 0 |
Envir Protect | 0 |
Acid Protect | 24 |
Other | |
Price | 10 $ |
Flags | WATCH, FANCY |
As a Weapon | |
Bash Dmg | 0 |
Cut Dmg | 0 |
To Hit | -1 |
“ A gold-plated wristwatch, suitable for a retirement present. Tells the time and looks good. ”
This is a very light clothing item made of steel and gold, which covers 1% of no area in particular, and which has no storage capacity. It barely occupies any space, doesn't encumber you at all, and will not warm you at all.
It offers no protection against bashing attacks and no protection against cutting ones (that includes bullets), while offering no protection from environmental hazards.
It displays the exact current time (instead of the sun/moon position), gives a morale bonus if you are Stylish.
This clothing item can be repaired, fitted (if appropriate) and reinforced via the mechanics skill, by using a soldering iron and scrap metal.