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Revision as of 22:49, 2 September 2016

R miner bot

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ miner bot ]
Experimental - [ miner bot ]

Hit Points 80
Species robot
Size human sized
Weight 570.50 kg
Material steel
Speed 40
Melee Sk 13
Damage 1d4 bash + 10 cut
Dodge Sk 0
Bash Armor 14
Cut Armor 14
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 100
Difficulty 17
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 A snake-like, segmented robot built to tunnel into the ground and detonate landmines. 

This creature is a human sized robot. It's an extremely competent fighter with moderate hit points. It's extremely slow, clumsy, has very high armor against bashing weapons and very high armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets).

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a robot, it's afraid of nothing in particular, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can hear noises, is able to track noises particularly well, is able to dig through the ground (becoming immune to traps and fields), doesn't breathe (it's not affected by smoke, toxic gases, drowning, etc), can be damaged by EMP blasts and become friendly, and nothing else.

Being made of steel, it's vulnerable to electricity.

When it dies, nothing unusual happens.


  • Formerly known as the molebot