Shrieker zombie

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Z shrieker zombie

Hitchhiker's Guide:
Stable (0.F-3) - [ Browse ]
Experimental - [ Browse ]

Hit Points 50
Species zombie
Size human sized
Weight 81.50 kg
Material flesh
Speed 95
Melee Sk 9
Damage 1d2 bash + 0 cut
Dodge Sk 4
Bash Armor 0
Cut Armor 0
Special Ab shriek
SA Cooldown 10 turns
Aggressiveness 100
Morale 100
Difficulty 10
Vision 40
Night Vision 1
 This zombie's jaw has been torn off, leaving a gaping hole from mid-neck up. 

This creature is a human sized zombie. It's a very competent fighter with low hit points. It's a bit slower than you, agile, has no armor against bashing weapons and no armor against cutting ones (that includes bullets). Its special ability allows it to nothing, every 10 turns.

It has extremely high morale and it's totally aggressive. Being a zombie, it's afraid of nothing in particular, and can be angered by nothing in particular.

It can see, can hear noises, is able to smell characters, stumbles around, is warm blooded (it appears in infrared), can bash destroyable objects in its way (like doors), is poisonous to eat (produces tainted meat when butchered), doesn't breathe (it's not affected by smoke, toxic gases, drowning, etc), has a reduced vision range (10 tiles less than normal), resuscitates after a few hours (unless its corpse is either smashed to a pulp or butchered), and nothing else.

Being made of flesh, it's vulnerable to nothing in particular.

When it dies, it drops the clothing and gear it was wearing (unless it's a revived one).


Every 10 turns, a shrieker zombie will shriek if it is near the player, making noise and attracting other zombies. By itself, the shrieker is little more than an ordinary zombie, but its shriek has the potential to be the character's doom if he/she does not kill it fast enough. Upon seeing a shrieker, you have several options depending on the situation. If the shrieker is also aware of your presence, it will start shrieking. If playing on Dynamic or in an uncleared area, consider retreat--or kill the shrieker quickly, especially if you're already close to it. If it is unaware of you, you can either try sneaking by, but it's generally better policy to stealthily close in and dispatch it swiftly.